Is it normal that in the dark i imagine faces in the shadows

So I'm pretty scared of the dark. When its nighttime and I'm in bed, I always for some reason stare at a patch of shadow or whatever until I somehow imagine up a face or something creepy and freak myself out. And I don't want to stare at the shadows so that I imagine up something scary, yet I always do. I can't look away until I see something scary.
Do other people have the problem of imagining and seeing faces in the shadows at night and not be able to just close my eyes before I do?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Waya

    It could be a type of schizophrenia. Theirs way to many categories for me to be able to identify you exactly. It could be Pareidolia. Though i suggest you do research you self because you know your own symptoms plus you know yourself best.

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  • Waya

    Thats actually a type of disorder

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    • what really
      what disorder is it

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  • dogdog442

    YES I do this too

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  • TrustMeImLying

    regarding your last question, I absolutely had the same problem. even though I'd be lying in bed and feeling all scared, I remember thinking how stupid it was for me to constantly have this strong urge to look at the shadow faces/figures. it was as if looking at them was reassuring.

    and that's exactly, you scan for something/anything to identify. because seeing the most scariest thing ever in front of your eyes will always be "less scary" than what your imagination can cook up.

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  • reminiscent

    fear of the dark is a normal fear. Its a fear of the unknown...what could be beyond the shadows? Probably pretty helpful to our ancestors who didnt have 4 walls to protect them.

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  • notaterrorist

    it's natural to be scared of the dark because you can't see what's there and there could be an animal or something that could kill you. the reason we see things in the. dark is because we expect to see something and our mind fills it in. your brain is just trying to keep you on your toes

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I do that, it's weird, I don't believe in anything supernatural yet when I'm going through the house at night with the lights off I can't help myself from occasionally picturing something reaching it's hand towards me in the dark or walking behind me up the stairs

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