Is it normal that introverts act superior

I am an introvert and in some communities online and I notice many introverts act superior.
I can relate that extroverts can be annoying and come off as inconsiderate of other peoples space, but I have been called rude because I ignore people and don't partake in conversations. It doesn't help that i'm shy but I don't feel a need either to act best friends with co-workers unless we are actually friends. I've also really appreciated extroverts in my life, as it's typically them who bothers to make effort in making me, who's not just introverted but also shy and uncomfortable, feel more included by engaging me in conversation and asking me things and in turn they tend to find my quiet nature calming and that i'm a good listener. So introverts and extroverts can really balance each other well. And if extroverts are so horrible, why are other introverts trash talking them so much?? How does that make us better, more ~mature~, ~intellectual~ people?? Neither personality type is better and has advantages and disadvantages. I've met extroverts who were literally jealous of me for being able to feel satsified in my own company, and i've felt jealous of extroverts for the opposite as well as for often not having problems with shyness like introverts often do hence having an easier time getting ahead in life.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • KholatKhult

    Introverts think they’re tough shit because they don’t get involved in enough social situations to be put in their place.

    Also they lie to themselves often, “I’m alone because I’m better than these people” “I’m alone because I’m different” no you’re alone because you’re awkward

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    • Being introverted has nothing to do with being awkward though it's usually more common for introverts to have those conditions (even though extroverts can as well). I just think the introverts who say that stuff do so because they genuienly think that for some reason, but there's probably some percentage who are also awkward who say it to make themselves feel better.
      I know some introverts who are very confident (not in douchy way) and down to earth though and has no problem talking to people. They just don't have a strong desire to and needs to recharge alone afterwards.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Although we can easily mistake quietness for being aloof and arrogant....

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  • SwickDinging

    Don't place so much focus on the introvert/extrovert thing. People are just themselves. Some are more social than others, and how social we are can often change over time.

    Don't be so quick to put yourself in a box.

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  • idolomantis

    It shouldn’t really be normal, but it is typical. I’m very introverted personally, and I still like extroverts a lot. I think I have more extroverts in my life than introverts simply because they make the effort to talk to me, whereas my fellow introverts like to hang out in their own little personal bubbles just like I do. Both introversion and extroversion has their pros and cons, neither is better than the other.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I has nothing to do with being introverted. A certain % of the population just feel that they are superior for various reasons.

    Of course, the vast majority of these people would loose in a real head to head competition in whatever they think they are superior at.

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  • S0m3th1ng

    Is normal for people to act like they are better than others, I met a lot of people like that, although that's not something good. I agreed with you that being an extrovert or introvert have adventages and disadvantages for each side. I am also a shy introver and also overworried so sometimes is hard to say no to spend time with my extroverted friends, not because I don't like then, I actually enjoy spending time with then, but I really need my time alone. I believe that some introverted thinks that they are superior because they think that everyone should be like then, those kind of people forget that everyone is different and like different stuff then they

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