Is it normal that many modern day atheists use ridicule as a conversion tactic?
I haven't really seen this here so much,but it seems to be quite a common trend on other websites, especially in the forums for religious debate. A lot of the modern day, militant atheists have started a new technique of ridiculing Christians and other theists for their beliefs, claiming that they are helping "free" the people from their religious shackles.
I'm not really religious anymore. My ideas about the universe are my own, largely based in theoretical physics and new research over the past few years.
But I know when I was a Christian, people who approached me with a condescending attitude, people who resorted to mockery, people who were downright rude, strenghtened my resolve, and I could debate with the best of them back in the day. The people who most changed my mind about religion were the people who tried to change me least.. I respected their views on the world because they respected mine.
And don't get me wrong, I think atheists should continue to fight for separation of church and state. But I don't think putting down every religious person you meet is going to help that, it's just a way of making yourself feel superior more than anything else. I have friends of all sorts of different (and no) religions. They are all intelligent people who are moderate about their beliefs. I see no need to try to change the or tell them they're wrong.
If someone were to tell me "hey sup wanna go bomb an abortion clinic?" I'd probably at least be nice enough to give them a ride to the hospital and wait for the police to pick them up after I've gotten in a lick or two. ;P
Sorry this was kind of long, I've been debating about it a bit recently. So what do you guys think? Comments preferred, I'd like to see what you all think of this one.
is it normal that atheists think ridicule and mockery is an effective technique in "opening the eyes" of theists?