Is it normal that more men get sexually assaulted than women in the us?

In 2008, the US Department of Justice released sexual assault statistics that revealed that the majority of instances where someone had forced themselves on another person in the US occurred in prisons and the majority of victims nationwide were male. This is the only country in the world where such a statement can be made. Why does this fun in the showers activity occur in the US, but not other places, at least not to anywhere near the same degree?

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45% Normal
Based on 29 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 83 )
  • VirgilManly

    Because we American men look irresistibly hot while showering?

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  • thegypsysailor

    When you have more incarcerated people in numbers and per capita than any other nation on earth, you are quite likely to have some pretty fucked up statistics.
    And people think America is the "land of the free". Ain't that a fucking laugh?

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    • joedoe

      End the War on Drugs and the War on Sex! Stop subsidizing gangs with them.

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  • Couman

    Link to those stats?

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      • Couman

        Thanks. While that article doesn't quite back up your title, it sure paints a hell if a grim picture.

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    • I posted it but my account is new so they keep taking it down for moderation. So I guess just Google it sorry. If you or someone finds it, if you could post a link that would be great.

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  • handsignals

    Because Muricans love serving up cock meat sandwiches.

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  • handsignals

    If you pretend it's a girl it's not gay.

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  • wigz

    Not if you compare the data properly.

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    • Please enlighten us by doing so.

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      • wigz

        Just google it.

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        • I did, and I presented what I found in this post. If you have seen information to the contrary, please present it.

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          • wigz

            No, you mentioned one study. You'd need at least one other survey to compare that one to, right? More like several, but at least one! Obvious troll.

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            • Crime stats are not studies. If there are a hundred crimes in a city in a year, you don't need another hundred to confirm that is the correct amount. As I said I am quoting actual numbers from 2008 as reported by the Dept. Of Justice. If you scroll down a user has posted a link to those numbers.

              I am not a troll, I have no agenda. I simply came across some interesting information and thought I would share. You said I was misinterpreting this information and I invited you to explain how, but you declined. My invitation was sincere, if you have information that would be relevant I would love to hear it.

              But for you to accuse me of being a troll for sharing valid government verified information without actually adding any substance to the conversation yourself is unfair. I encourage an open diolauge, but I have no interest in accusations and name calling

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            • Well no, because crime statistics are not "studies". If there are 100 robberies in a city, you do not need to wait for another hundred robberies to to occur to confirm that this is the correct number of robberies.

              What I am talking about is based, as I said, on the numbers of rapes in prisons as reported by the Department of Justice which runs the prison system in 2008. Links to the articles with this information have been linked below by victorygin if you would like to take a look.

              The sourced information that I have presented is also more than the zero you have presented to me, and is based on government data, so how am I trolling. If you have information to dispute it, I honestly encourage you to present it, but as of this moment you have not. If you do, my post would still have been in good faith based on the information I have, so it still would not be a troll.

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  • ______________

    Because Americans keep dropping their soap.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      stleast we has soap

      im lookin yalls way middle east

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      • Adrnin

        You're not even American.

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          does i really hasta argue this?

          yes the fuck i am american

          im so born in the usa i makes springsteen look like a frenchman

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          • Adrnin

            I always thought you were some British guy pretending to be American

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  • RoseIsabella

    Mandatory chemical castration should fix all that mess.

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    • What is with you and castrations? Do you have a fetish?

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      • Ellenna

        It's not a fetish to want all rapists put out of business: I totally agree with RoseIsaella.

        I'm not in favour of the oldfashioned surgical castration, given how many errors the legal system makes, but chemical castration is reversible if it turns out an error has been made.

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        • Yea I am not just talking about this comment. She says this often, not just about rapists, and normally in a far more violent fashion them the chemical kind. She has some issues with this.

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          • Ellenna

            I'd guess that like me, she's sick and tired of rapists and child sex abusers and predators in general getting away with it.

            I nearly always find her posts sensible and mature, so it seems you and I are noticing totally different things.

            As a matter of interest, do you personally think there are any instances where castration, chemical or otherwise, would be justified? How do you personally think sexual predators should be dealt with?

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            • I believe the judicial system should handle it. I do not support cruel and unusual punishment.

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            • I believe in the Constitution and its ban on cruel and unusual punishment. I think a forced medical procedure qualifies as cruel and unusual, so there is no situation in which I would support that. We have a judicial system to deal with sex crimes already.

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            • Well, I respect the US Constitution which bans the use of creul and unusual punishment, and I think forced medical procedures certainly qualify. So I would say there is no situation in which this is acceptable. We already have a judicial system to deal with sexual crimes.

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            • No, I would not support the government taking control of another person's body in such a way under any circumstances.

              We have a judicial system to handle crimes.

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  • victorygin

    If any place could be said to actually have a "rape culture", a prison would surely come pretty close.

    I don't know the answer to this. But I would assume the percentage of prisoners raped in other countries is similar to that in the US (?) But (as others have said) because such a high proportion of the population is incarcerated in the US, prison rape victims account for a higher proportion of rape victims.

    I just read that, overall rape has actually been declining for the last few decades*. But the prison population has been increasing over the same timespan. And I've seen nothing that says prison rape has been declining; just total rape incidents in general.


    One possible reason for the decline in rape is the rise in internet pornography...I don't know how credible that is, but thought it was interesting..

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    • Higher incarceration totals would account for higher total prison rapes, but it makes no difference on ratios, because those are proportionate to population. The rapes "per prisoner" are much higher in the US than other countries.

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      • victorygin

        Ah ok - I still think the proportion of the population in prison does matter, but I'll take your word that rapes per prisoner are higher in the US.

        Why do you think that is? I have no idea, but it seems to be a publicly accepted part of the prison system, which is pretty disgusting. State and publicly sanctioned rape. And people don't care because it's happening to prisoners..

        Here's two articles that mention the stats in the question, just in case anyone is interested.. And seeing as you said you couldn't post links, op.

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        • Those were the sources I found as well, thank you for posting them! I didn't mean to suggest that the amount of a population is prison doesn't matter at all. I just meant in terms of calculating an assault per prisoner ratio, it already takes that into account.

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          • victorygin

            Yeah, ok. No probs!

            Maybe..just putting this out there... maybe countries with the really bad prisons, don't even publish stats like this. So maybe there are worse countries for prison rape, but you just don't hear about it.?
            It's still obviously bad in the US, I don't know why...

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            • I've considered that too, but I tend to think that for example middle eastern and sub Shaira Afracian countries where you might expect poor conditions have a culture where the concept of engaging in homosexuial acts would be less likely to be considered, and the punishment for doing so would be greater. Also if they are malnourished, they are less likely to engage in violence in the first place due to a lack of energy and strength. I could be completely wrong about that, but it seems logical to me.

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  • jr__

    what about in your world. Does it happen there too?

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    • I don't understand the question.

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      • jr__

        You, your friends, your friends' friends. Does it happen to them?

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        • I don't have any family or friends in prison. How is that relevant in any way?

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          • jr__

            Oh I just ready your story.. Sorry

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            • jr__

              Does "made to penetrate" include coercion?

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  • gloryholeflasher

    I sometimes wonder, do the new sexual assault victims in prison mature to become the next crop of rapists, doing to the new prisoners what was done to them? Is sexual assault something they are conditioned to do by their violent environment and limited sexual outlets?

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  • I watch someone called TL;DR and he showed this study where it shows that when you consider "Made to penetrate" as rape that men were raped almost as much as women. So you could also have that in there including prison rape and it's entirely possible that men are generally raped more than women overall, atleast in the US.

    Round about the 30 minute mark he mentions it.

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    • wigz

      TL;DR + 30 minute mark....funny :)

      Do you have a direct source for what you said? I can't watch youtube lately for some reason.

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      • It's in his description, brah. :)

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        • wigz

          OK I found it.

          Just reading through the key findings, 1 in 5 women are raped in their lifetime while the number is 1 in 71 for men (this includes completed forced penetration, attempted forced penetration and alcohol/drug facilitated completed penetration). 1 in 21 men is 'made to penetrate' in their lifetime. 1.3 million women reported being raped in the 12 months prior to the survey. So, it doesn't look like what you're saying is correct.

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          • The issue is that this table does not qualify "Made to penetrate" as rape. You can see that when you look at the table they made to compare the unlawful sexual experiences of men and women.

            Forced penetration is counted for rape while made to penetrate is counted as "other sexual violence." There's also the difference in men and women used for the study so that would have to be accounted for (more women then men).

            When you compare the amount of women in their table that have experienced cmpleted rape to forced to penetrate, while counting forced to penetrate as rape, then the numbers are around equal.

            Foe example, in the last 12 months the table shows that:

            Men made to penetrate: 1,267,000
            Women raped: 1,270,000.

            Now this study didn't account for attempted forced envelopment and we're comparing the likes of forced to penetrate with attemped forced penetration, drug facillitated, and completed rape but if we just leave it to completed sexual violence, rape, then we find that in the last year of this study:

            Men made to penetrate: 1,267,000.
            Women raped: 620,000.

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            • wigz

              Correct, it does not.

              "There's also the difference in men and women used for the study so that would have to be accounted for (more women then men)."

              It is accounted for. The sample size is very large and the difference of men/women is small. If you want to know more about this, read the methodology and other info on how the results were calculated.

              "Men made to penetrate: 1,267,000
              Women raped: 1,270,000."


              "Now this study didn't account for attempted forced envelopment"

              False. Here is the criteria for 'made to penetrate':

              "Among men, made to penetrate could have occured in multiple ways; made to penetrate a female vaginally with one's own penis; orally penetrating a female's vagina or anus; anally penetrating a male or female; or being made to recieve oral sex from a male or female. It also includes female perpetrators attempting to force male victims to penetrate them, though it did not happen."

              "Men made to penetrate: 1,267,000."


              "Women raped: 620,000."

              Incorrect. That's the number of completed forcible rapes. It leaves out completed rapes facilitated by drugs or alcohol (781,000) and attempted forced penetration (519,000).

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          • I'll have to look at it when I get on my computr but just from what you said your point doesn't make sense.

            How can the numbers both be one in 71 one are raped while also being one in 21 men are raped? o_0

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            • wigz

              I noticed that too. I'm still reading the survey. It makes a little more sense when you read the criteria for 'made to penetrate' because not all of it IS rape. I am not sure why it's like that or if it is explained further or broken down better somewhere in the survey, but I am still reading it and I'll get back to you on it.

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  • anti-hero

    If you take away the prison population that number goes way down.

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    • Absolutely it does. Prison incidents are what the entire post is about. This would be like me saying that most car accidents involve speed or alcohol and someone responding "if you take out incidents involving speed or alcohol, those numbers go way down"

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      • anti-hero

        My point is don't be a scumbag criminal and you won't get raped.

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        • itsnotnormal12

          You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.

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        • Ohhh OK, you believe that because someone cheated on their taxes, smoked weed, or maybe even was wrongfully accused, that they deserve to get raped. Thanks for clarifying the type of person you are.

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          • anti-hero

            Yup no problem

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            • itsnotnormal12

              You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.

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    • itsnotnormal12

      You want to cut off your leg because you believe in your mind you are an amputee.

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  • Ellenna

    A quick google brought up a lot of info about male sexual assault in Australian prisons, with one study suggesting women prisoners are far more at risk of sexual assault by male prison officers.

    It's obvious this isn't confined to US prisons: any institution with a rigid hierarchy - eg the military; religious schools, ashrams, as well as prisons - are hotbeds of sexual predation on children and adults ..... not to mention many families.

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    • Of course rape isn't confined to the US or its prisons. But as I said, man on man rape is not as prevelant in other countries as it is in US prisons. Not only does your comment not dispute this, it actually supports it by showing that in prisons in other countries, it is woman, not men, that are more likely to be victimized. So as I said, the US is the only country where more men are sexually assaulted than women as the result of prison assults.

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      • Ellenna

        One example of Australian stats indicated up to a quarter of men in prisons in this country had been raped. The comment about women isn't backed up by any stats, but you might be interested in an article by Richard Evans "Prison Rape" - Australian - available if you google that title

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