Is it normal that most of my friends and close family are so against veganism?

When it weaves it's way into the conversation (which one of them normally starts as a way to make me feel weird about what I'm eating that day(for example: spicy tofu and diced onions with squash, mandarin oranges and coconut macaroons) it's as if I told them to go jump off a cliff or something. It's sad that they don't mind cruelty even when it's right in front of them and they're contributing to these huge companies. They act as if I'm attacking them directly, shouting at them that they should be the ones devoured. It's annoying. People who don't even try to understand make me want to try harder to live my life. I'm also incredibly happy that I watched Earthlings. 5 month vegan not breaking anytime soon. Cows carbon gases cause more pollution than cars. Male chicks are thrown live into a grinder. Pigs are both mutilated without anesthesia and have their tails cut off, and are often tossed around by these monsters within the industry. It seems as though as long as people are safe and have their plate of bacon, they're fine though. It's fine. It's not like I'm Freelee going out of my way to shove my beliefs down other's throats. I'm just telling them the truth calmly and backing it up with my actions, and the way their demeanors shift is chilling. Any thoughts on this would be nice.

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 22 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 74 )
  • penisdump

    I would guess that you are shoving more down people's throats than you're letting on. You even wrote the question from a soapbox.
    But... if not, then...
    -Maybe deep down, even they think they're wrong, but aren't going to change anyway and don't want to hear disgusting things about the food they're about to eat.
    -Maybe they're just busting your chops, and don't like it that some innocent ribbing turns into you lecturing them or looking down on them.
    -Maybe they just hate vegans for their own reasons.

    But it definitely sounds like you're a self-righteous vegan, and nobody likes that. It's not going to help your cause, so just let them enjoy their food, you enjoy yours and talk about something else. It can't be that hard.

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  • RoseIsabella

    "Freelee"? Maybe people aren't interested in being lectured about their food while they eat? If you start talking about veganism and people become defensive or act disinterested take the hint otherwise they may choose not to eat with you anymore.

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    • I never start, I'm the one being patronized for my decision so I try to reason.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, if they're starting on you that's something entirely different and quite rude on their part of course. I used to be friends with this one vegetarian/pescatarian bitch who was real pain in the ass whining about how about how gross my steak was to her when were out eating at a restaurant. I'm glad I'm not friends with her anymore, because she was always complaining.

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    • Oh and Freelee is a youtuber that a lot of people bag on because she goes out of her way to find other people on youtube that don't eat vegan. It was too late to edit..

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      • RoseIsabella

        Right on, thanks for the heads up. Yeah, it wouldn't break my heart if people like that Freely got their asses whipped.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Your not eating meat isn't going to save one single animal. If you aren't eating properly, it will cost you dearly in the later years of your life.
    I find the biggest problem with spending time with vegetarians is when it comes to meals, either there must be two different meals cooked or someone has to compromise when eating out. Both take some of the pleasure from the meal.

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    • PlebolaVirus

      Is your wife, 42 years your junior, a vegetarian?

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    • Thorolf

      Actually, it does. The more vegetarians there are, the less demand for meat there will be. And not eating meat is far healthier.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Humans are carnivorous, period. We are not grazing animals. We cannot be healthy on a vegetarian diet without a great deal of attention to replacing the animal proteins with proper substitutes.
        Whoever told you not eating meat is 'healthier' really does not understand human physiology.

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        • Thorolf

          Idiot... There are plenty of plant proteins that work just as well. Don't be so ignorant. Humans are NOT carnivores.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Then why don't we have multiple stomachs and big dull teeth like herbivores? Don't call me an idiot, in this case you aren't coming up roses, are you?
            Yes, there are plenty of ways that a human can survive as a vegetarian, nobody said differently. But it does take a lot more effort to produce a healthy vegetarians diet, than a proper diet of a bit of everything a human should eat.
            The idiot who wrote, 'Beans. Lentils. Peanut butter.' must really be satisfied with the most boring diet since bread and water.
            Anyway, I'll bet you aren't a vegetarian and that you are doing nothing more than trolling.

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            • wigz

              Wrong again....sigh

              Ruminants have multiple stomachs. All herbivores are not ruminants. In fact, most herbivores are not ruminants.

              Are you forgetting about omnivores? Humans are omnivores which means we can survive on a strictlt vegetarian or carnivirous diet or a bit of both. Fun fact, bears are omnivores! Some bear populations are entirely, or nearly entirely, herbivorous! Yet dey got dem teef...

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            • Thorolf

              Actually, humans are omnivores. Our digestive system is too long to be that of a carnivore. And we don't have fangs like a carnivore either. I apologize for calling you an idiot, but I admired you. I felt bitter about that. And yes, I am a vegetarian. I don't troll.

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            • I was offering those three as just a few good examples of protein sources, among many available in a vegetarian diet.

              We DO have "big, dull teeth;" but nonetheless it's important that you understand that distinctions exist between different types of herbivores. Humans are not grass eaters as cows are, but apparently predominately frugivorous.

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        • Beans. Lentils. Peanut butter.

          Well, that was easy.

          And before you assert that humans are naturally flesh eaters, I suggest that you do some basic research first. For starters, look at your teeth and hands.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Oh brother! Face palm.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Amen to that, because I always eat my steak rare!

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  • snarkygirl

    In don't believe for one second that you havent preached at them at some point. You preached at us in this post...
    Look there's nothing wring with being vegan so just eat what you want. There's a lot of hate because most people think vegans are kooky, or act like religious zealots. And some are. This is why most vegans only date other vegans. Tell his family to stop busting on you and in return, you won't talk about chicks going in grinders. Live and let live.

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  • Ellenna

    Good on you for acting on your principles. If you're not hassling them about their choices all that's happening is that seeing you not eating animals is making them feel guilty and that's their problem to deal with.

    I'm not vegan or even 100% vegetarian but if I acted on my principles I wouldn't eat animals or their products either

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  • BlackyHancock

    Production of vegetarian food (e.g. beans, wheat legumes) impacts thousands of rodents, small animals and insects. I'm not sure why those animals and insects are any less important than big animals like cows and pigs.

    It's probably less total impact than meat production but that doesn't give a vegan the right to always claim the moral high ground. I've met too many of them who want to shove their stupid Foodnazi views down my throat.

    As for me, I'm a vegetarian who eats meat.

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    • So accidentally killing things is no better than deliberately torturing them to death. Right.

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      • anti-hero

        Dude you like Hitler. What right do you have to talk about deliberately torturing animals/humans to death?

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        • I do? When did I say that?

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          • anti-hero

            Only like a million times.

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            • Either make an effort to back up your claims with something, or stop trolling me.

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    • Thorolf

      There's no such thing as a vegetarian who eats meat. Might as well be a Nazi who loves Jews.

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      • BlackyHancock

        Obviously you have no sense of humor.

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        • Thorolf

          I'm real sick of veganism jokes.

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          • BlackyHancock

            I'm real sick of people who can't take veganism jokes

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      • snarkygirl

        Hitle was a the irony?

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        • RoseIsabella

          I love you!

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          • snarkygirl

            I love you too! We should have been twins

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        • Thorolf

          Hitler was also a Christian, lol.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hitler was a vegetarian.

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  • Fenrirr

    lion: painfully tears chunks off animal and suffocates them leading to a slow and agonizing death, sometimes still alive when being eaten
    vegans: okay
    me: eats a part of a cow that was put to death in a quick and painless way
    vegans: how DARE you, sick disgusting murderer this is cruelty!!!1!!

    i also don't understand why some vegans call people who eat meat murderers, i mean unless they went to the mall and slaughtered the animal they want to eat themselves, their just buying already dead animals

    also that part about chicks in the grinder/animal cruelty is basically bullshit and only happens in mainstream factories, local slaughterhouses kill their livestock as painlessly and quick as possible and animals are treated in much better condition

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    • anti-hero

      Since when did they keep live animals to slaughter at the mall? Where the fuck do you live?

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      • Fenrirr

        wtf you missed my point, i was explaining why i didnt get leaf munchers calling people who eat meat murderers, because being a murderer is where you have to murder/kill someone. people don't do that, they buy it from the store, thats what i meant

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        • anti-hero

          So who is the killer? The solider who pulls the trigger or the leaders who send them to war? If there wasn't a demand for meat the ranchers and companies wouldn't kill them and eat them. It's my fault all the animals I eat are dead because I want to eat them.

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          • Fenrirr

            yeah but you didn't kill them, the workers did.

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    • Quick and painless? Are you delusional or just ignorant?

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      • Fenrirr

        a bullet to the head is pretty quick and painless. tell me, would you rather that or being choked and eaten alive?

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        • Please watch the documentary mentioned in the OP.

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          • Fenrirr

            no thx i'd rather not watch something that plays on human empathy to try and get me to eat grass. i bet the documentary plays in the arms of an angel while showing livestock getting brutally put to death.

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            • "Grass"... I'm sure if you typed in a list of all the fruits, veggies, herbs and substitutes you would find something.

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            • Thorolf

              Man factory farms are some of the cruelest places on earth. Plus lions NEED meat, humans don't.

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    • We're obviously smarter than animals, and have access to anesthesia.

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  • Thorolf

    I highly support your decision, your family and friends are just a bunch of scum. Ignore them.

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      • Thorolf

        You're welcome.

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  • joed293

    I didn't vote, because normal's a funny term in this context.
    Usual within society? Yes
    Completely fucked? Also Yes.

    I think it's important to present your views as the logical reasons behind your decision, rather than using emotive language like murder, torture, rape etc. Emotional arguments provoke an emotional response, and people are creatures of habit. If you get told that something you've been doing is morally questionable, most people would respond by defending their view rather than taking the facts in.

    If it comes up again, (And by the way, I'm not saying you don't but if you don't) , present the facts and only the facts.
    Carnism is the belief that it's ok for one animal to be slaughtered in this way for meat, but abhorrent for other animals (the classic example is pigs vs dogs). Most people understand on some level that cruelty to animals is wrong, and if you can get across the dichotomy to them, they might understand you a little better.

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    • Thank you for your view. Also pigs have been proven to be just as smart if not smarter than dogs.

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    • Fenrirr

      the reason people don't eat dogs or other pets is because people consider them family. would you save a complete stranger over someone you love? of course not, and that's why we don't eat them, it's not hard to understand. of course if you don't like it then you can go off and live in some third world country where they worship cows and skin dogs for a living if that's what you fancy.

      i don't really understand why people find it disgusting to eat them though, honestly if i was given the chance to taste dog/cat meat i'd give it a go as long as the animal was put to death quickly.

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      • joed293

        So you eat meat? Generally non human animals in the meat industry aren't put to death quickly.

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