Is it normal that most of my friends and close family are so against veganism?
When it weaves it's way into the conversation (which one of them normally starts as a way to make me feel weird about what I'm eating that day(for example: spicy tofu and diced onions with squash, mandarin oranges and coconut macaroons) it's as if I told them to go jump off a cliff or something. It's sad that they don't mind cruelty even when it's right in front of them and they're contributing to these huge companies. They act as if I'm attacking them directly, shouting at them that they should be the ones devoured. It's annoying. People who don't even try to understand make me want to try harder to live my life. I'm also incredibly happy that I watched Earthlings. 5 month vegan not breaking anytime soon. Cows carbon gases cause more pollution than cars. Male chicks are thrown live into a grinder. Pigs are both mutilated without anesthesia and have their tails cut off, and are often tossed around by these monsters within the industry. It seems as though as long as people are safe and have their plate of bacon, they're fine though. It's fine. It's not like I'm Freelee going out of my way to shove my beliefs down other's throats. I'm just telling them the truth calmly and backing it up with my actions, and the way their demeanors shift is chilling. Any thoughts on this would be nice.