Is it normal that "mra"s (counter-feminists) are jealous of women?
I've noticed that their complaints usually boil down to "women get more attention", either in reference to a statistically greater need for said "attention" in the case of shelters and healthcare; or in reference to dating - where that attention is generally quantity over quality (Look at the nature of male sexuality and prevalence of "simps". Do you genuinely envy the quality of attention whose only requisite is "has a vagina"?).
I don't understand why these men apparently want to be seen as women, when the treatment they're so jealous of is only a result of biology and history thoroughly proving that women are the inferior/submissive sex (and these men are well aware of this fact, yet choose to leave it out of their arguments).
Are they closet trans women, or just insecure weaklings? Or is identifying as a MRA just their attempt at having a personality?