Is it normal that "mra"s (counter-feminists) are jealous of women?

I've noticed that their complaints usually boil down to "women get more attention", either in reference to a statistically greater need for said "attention" in the case of shelters and healthcare; or in reference to dating - where that attention is generally quantity over quality (Look at the nature of male sexuality and prevalence of "simps". Do you genuinely envy the quality of attention whose only requisite is "has a vagina"?).

I don't understand why these men apparently want to be seen as women, when the treatment they're so jealous of is only a result of biology and history thoroughly proving that women are the inferior/submissive sex (and these men are well aware of this fact, yet choose to leave it out of their arguments).

Are they closet trans women, or just insecure weaklings? Or is identifying as a MRA just their attempt at having a personality?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • Ligeia

    Biology and history do not prove that women are the submissive, inferior sex. They prove that men are innately subhuman, prone to violence, and dedicated to limiting women's potential. MRAs are not jealous of women for being female, but for receiving (often unwanted) sexual attention, attention that they do not receive. So I disagree with your analysis of their motivations.

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    • Well, that is part of what I was saying. They are apparently jealous of the male/sexual attention women receive. Meanwhile if women were as sexually driven as these men supposedly wish for, they would be called whores.

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      • Ligeia

        Almost like it's a retarded ideology

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  • Holzman_67

    As with any counter argument to do with sexes it’s generally just highlighting advantages one seemingly holds over the other

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    • Yeah but these guys are aware that men are superior - stronger, higher intellect, build and run societies, lead scientific advancements, "women bad" etc. so why would they envy the role below their competence level? It's either a pathetic beta mindset or purposeful antagonism.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I find it funny when feminists get mad at the incels for doing the same shit they do. Both incels and feminists are retarded and the opposite sides of the same coin. Incel men need to grow balls and quit bitching about not getting laid. If they made money and worked out and quit playing video games theyd get laid. Women need to quit bitching about men when they have all the advantages and privileges. Both sides need to chill

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    • Same but vice versa. The MRAs/incels unknowingly support a lot of feminists ideas that they claim to hate, like wanting men to have the same "easy mode" option as women. then they wonder why today's men are so weak that their society is defeated by the likes of women and gays

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah the incels are basically male feminists. I do think there's some truth to what they say there's definitely advantages given to women but the incels are coming from a position of bad faith. They're incels because they can not get women. And the ones they can just abuse women. That's the same story with feminists. You have ugly feminists and feminists who abuse men. Both sides are negative.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I mean come on, this is just crazy talk; it's essentially "are my enemy closeted, trans women who are jealous of me". What the fuck is wrong with you. You're just delusional, and probably quite bitter.

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    • Looks like I touched a nerve. Why do you assume they're my enemy? I'm just trying to understand your idiotic victim complex.

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      • bigbudchonger

        I'm not even an MRA. I think both the MRA's and Western feminists are crazy as fuck. All you people do is sow division between the sexes because you're twisted people who have just had bad expirences in life, leading you to hostility and bitterness.

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  • ospry

    What's MRA stand for?

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  • Yeah, this too. I wonder how can someone be straight when they supposedly find the opposite sex so unattractive?

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  • Wow3986

    So really, you hate women?

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    • Of course. If you don't hate women the same as men that'd be sexist

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      • Wow3986

        Misogynistic asshole. Smdh. Educate yourself.

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    • LloydAsher

      Guess you hate men

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      • Wow3986


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