Is it normal that my armpits stink, but my vagina (usually) doesn't?

I'm a female and I'm almost 22 years old. I have noticed that my armpits stink to high heavens, but my vagina rarely ever smells bad. I also noticed that it doesn't make a difference whether my armpits are shaved or not. They just stink no matter what. It has gotten to the point where the only deodorant that works for me is a clinical deodorant. On the other hand, my vagina is the complete opposite. I actually don't even use any soap to wash it. I'm not clean shaven down there 24/7 (because I usually just trim if I decide to do anything at all with my pubes). I know you're not supposed to soap yourself up down there or be completely shaved all the time, but I was just making a point about how my armpits reak and my vagina is more neutral. I'm wondering if my armpit odor has anything to do with what I eat.

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Comments ( 10 )
  • paramore93

    Vaginas and armpits have very different cleaning systems. Your vagina can clean itself, armpits cannot. The odor from your armpits is actually bacteria but that's as far as my armpit knowledge goes.

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  • Armpit odor is caused by a combination of things, like resistant bacteria, diet, but mostly it comes from your colon. Do you have gastrointestinal problems like ibs or crowns disease? Also, as with my friend in the army years ago, you could have a lack of a certain mineral in your body, like magnesium. His was zinc, and when he began getting supplemental shots, his (ever offensive) odor went away that very day.

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    • crazypassion

      I don't have IBS or Crown's disease, but I do happen to suffer from constipation. I'm not aware of any mineral deficiencies though.

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      • The constipation could be a sign of a lack of magnesium in your diet/system. I would get it checked. Also, you can get botox injections in your armpits that completely stop sweat for several months. I think they are about $600 per session, but Im not sure.

        By the way, Im not a doctor or anything. I just know a bit about the subject because I once had a summer job at a facility that dealt with things like this and I picked up a lot.

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        • crazypassion

          I had no idea that constipation had anything to do with having a magnesium deficiency. I do try to eat a lot of fiber and drink a ton of water though. I've heard of botox injections for armpit perspiration, but doesn't that change your body chemistry?

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          • Not that I know of, but bacteria alone can't cause odor. It had to have perspiration.

            Also, for some people, choline, which you get from eggs and fish and stuff, can cause a very, very extreme odor, so you might want to try taking foods with choline out of your diet.

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            • crazypassion

              Thanks. I am fond of eggs and I have been eating a lot of salmon lately, so I guess that hasn't been helping.

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  • TerriAngel

    Get a second opinion.
    When a woman stinks.
    She's usually the last to know.
    Oriental women are the only I've known that didn't smell like road kill.
    But it's rare a person will tell you.
    Guys won't say anything, and risk not getting layed.
    Get hooked up with a girl.
    Knowone else eats pussy as well.
    If you stink, she'll find a way to clean you up.

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    • crazypassion

      You're rude.

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