Is it normal that my boyfriend thinks about taxidermy when his cat dies?

I love my boyfriend, we have been together for 6 months. He has a two year old cat and he loves his cat. I understand that people love their pets, but I have never really had any until recently which is a snake. I really like and love my snake and all, not LOVE LOVE like a human, but I know what it's like to care for a pet and make sure it's healthy and they are entertaining and all that.:)..BUT he said he wants to taxidermy his cat when it dies! I think that is reallyyy weird!! I'm sorry but I understand the hunting taxidermy aspect of someone using bears, etc. as a trophy, but COME ON, a beloved pet???? I am totally against the whole idea! Don't get me wrong, I tried to understand his side of the story and he said that for a long time he really felt like no one loved him and his whole life there were many, upon many people that treated him badly, so when he got his kitty, he felt that he really loved his kitty, cause he felt that his kitty really loved him. And that he raised it from a little kitty, "from the palm of my hand" he said. I think it's possible to share a bond with pets, but I don't think they have the capacity to love in return, the way that we do, so I don't understand So he wants to stuff it/taxidermy. I think he is just afraid of letting go when it dies, so that way he doesn't have to let it go. I don't think it's normal, do you thinks it's normal for someone to taxidermy their beloved pet?

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46% Normal
Based on 72 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • To each their own. I wouldn't taxidermy my cat, but if he wants to, why the heck not??

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  • joybird

    Just nod and smile coz by the time his cat dies he won't have time to find a taxidermist to stuff his cat before it starts to rot. Get him another kitten though, right away to take his mind off it.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't think that it is normal but I certainly do not believe it is wrong.

    I just think that you need to accept that some people just like doing strange things. Ever watched scrubs and saw the stuffed dog that Turk and JD had? Some people are just fucking weird like that.

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  • karmasAbich

    Im like that with my kitty. I have had him for 12 years and I take naps with him, speak to him, and spend a lot of time with him. Taxidermy would be too hard for me. Seriously, i couldn't do it. I would cry or feel deeply emotional if i saw my cat stuffed. :'( I would rather just, try to move on and say he's in a better place.

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