Is it normal that my cat is always hungry?

My cat is always hungry, and I'm always feeding him. I feed him Iams, and I'm assuming maybe hes not getting the right nutrition from it. Is this normal for him to be hungry all the time? He hasn't gotten fat yet, but eventually it will catch up on him. Anyone else have the same problem? Or same shitty results from this food? What is a recommended brand of food for cats?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Magic8Ball

    is he a marijuana smoker? this could increase his appetite.

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  • dinz

    Maybe the cat has worms

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  • I ain't no cat and I'm always hungry. So I'll speak for both of us, saying.. fucking feed us instead of posting questions on IIN!

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  • SailorGirlApril

    Please DON'T feed him IAMS. So many animals have been killed because of the tests they do on animals. Just google it and you can see the videos. They shove tubes down dogs throats and more... (I hope you switch brands)

    My cats are always hungry too or run to the kitchen when they hear me open the refrigerator. Maybe your cat is going through some growing changes and needs to eat more ?

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  • j1337

    First thing I would do is take him/her to the vet. Although it might be a bit pricey. My cats still eat kitten food because their stomachs are sensitive

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  • i had a cat that would jump on the kitchen counter looking for food. i didnt like that so i conducted an experiment. i fed him up one day, lots of stuff he loved, roast chicken, sardines. he ate and ate right up to his neck. 5 mins later hes up on the counter again sniffing round, some cats dont give up when food is involved a bit like labradors and pugs

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  • keys_keys

    It could have to do with age. If it is just becoming adults, it would make sense for it to be eating a lot-- growth spurts, you know? If it is an older cat, and very active, its okay too. But if your kitty is average age and doesn't run around all crazy all the time, ask the vet-- it might have an underlying disease, or even worms.

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  • alv1592

    if you have any concerns about a pet, that's when you consult the vet. only they can tell you what's wrong.

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  • My cat used to be like that, except some days he was always hungry and some days he didn't eat much of his food (Whiskas tins). We thought he had worms so we got him worming tablets and changed his food, now he's fed trays of Sheba cat food which he loves, he eats well enough to stay healthy but I give him a few Whiskas Temptations treats each day between meals to keep him happy and not let him get too hungry.

    I've never bought Iams, but that may be the problem, I've heard it can cause health problems for cats. So maybe change his food, the Whiskas tins were fine for many years before my cat lost his appetite for it.
    I'd say talk to a vet anyway and see what they recommend you do about it. :)

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  • One of my cats always eats too, he even forces himself to eat if another cat goes to eat.

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  • tori

    It could be a thyroid problem. My 19 year old cat that I put to sleep yesterday(old age related stuff) had for 8 years an overactive thyroid. She was medication twice a day. Maybe your precious kitty has an overactive thyroid. Kitties are prone to this. Take her to the vet just incase.

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  • Solophonic

    He's just a glutton and if you keep feeding him you'll have a lot of piles of barf to clean up. I don't think it's a lack of nutrition, because some animals just eat forever. However if you truly are worried about his nutrition you could spend a little more money to get him fancy feast. Oh and don't buy the crap a vet will try to sell you, I've had 4 cats who all preferred starving over eating a veterinarian's "special formula".

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