Is it normal that my cat still tries to nurse?

I have a cat that is 7 months old, and yet he tries to nurse off of me. No joke, I got him from a shelter when he was little, and he still tries to nurse off of me like I'm his mother. He eats food and drinks water like normal, but when do they normally stop nursing?

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83% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • EuphoniumLizz

    My cat Nugget does this too. What I have been doing to get her to stop is trying to distract her with a toy or treats. It has taken a while but she doesn't do it all the time anymore. From my research I learned it may be a comforting thing. She only tries to nurse when the vacuum is running or there is a storm. Just be patient and try to distract your cat with a toy when you catch him trying to nurse. Hope this helps :)

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    • Thanks, I'll try it.

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  • Yennifer_Of_Vengerburg

    Yea my friend was telling after she had her baby and she used to sleep naked that she woke up one morning to the cat sucking her tit!

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  • Dorellia

    i t n e v e r s t o p s

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  • ChrissySnow

    My cat still does that but mostly with my husband. He claims it is because she was taken from her mother too early. I don't think it is normal but I know it is common

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