Is it normal that my computer refuses to load after windows screen

My computer(laptop)broke after getting wet once, and now, once a day he doesn't load past the "starting windows" screen, it doesn't show the light that says it's going to the hard drive.Happens once everyday, works perfectly the second time, it's really bugging me out, do you think it's normal/what should I do?

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38% Normal
Based on 16 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • LittleGirlInexorablySodomized

    Your first mistake was turning it on after you got it wet.

    Cut all power. Yank out the battery. Let it completely dry.

    Once dry you'll need the factory disks to boot the computer. Or a floppy boot disk to access the os

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    • sim0sim0sim

      The computer broke on may, but he is only giving me That now...

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      • LittleGirlInexorablySodomized

        Stick the factory dicks into the hard drive before you boot the coke. Do a factory reset and blow the entire job

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    You shouldn't have turned it on. You should have put it in rice. Par-boiled rice. Not completely cooked rice. Because that would be weird.

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    • LittleGirlGagedAndRaped

      Eccentric totally...

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    • sim0sim0sim

      The computer broke on may, but he is only giving me That now...

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  • arizonacardinalsfan

    That's what happens when you have Windows ME.

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  • Steve2

    Shooting it sometimes helps.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    You don't give enough information to make anything but a shot in the dark guess. If the hard disk light never flashes, the machine is not getting far enough in the bios code to talk to it. Read your owners manual and find out how to boot to the bios setup screen and reset the bios parameters to factory settings. This will not affect any of your installed software. This will re-initialize the bios info to the correct size of the hard disk and all other hardware in the machine.

    If the hard disk light comes on and stays on, that is Windows boot problem. Boot the box to "safe mode". Then reboot from Windows to normal mode. Sometimes Windows will fix minor errors in the boot system doing that.

    After that, you need a lot more knowledge and troubleshooting software.

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  • Ellenna

    So you turned on an electricity run appliance after it got wet? Electricity and water DO NOT mix!

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    • fugazi

      No shit sherlock

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  • DolphinScat2

    Take it to a tech person to look at. It sounds like a time bomb.

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