Is it normal that my dad gets dressed with the door wide open?

I bring this up because I just stumbled upon him naked without warning I'm tired of it. Growing up, I've always told him to shut the door when getting dressed, yet he acts like he doesn't give a shit and tells me I'm being unreasonable.

Is this kind of situation normal?

Voting Results
46% Normal
Based on 13 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    Its his house. He's your father. Move out.

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  • olderdude-xx

    A surprising number of people wander around their own homes nude..., which is their right. There is nothing dirty or bad about the human body (male or female).

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    • Lusty-Argonian

      Yea exactly. I'm naked all the time at home. It's one reason I'm not to big on having roommates. I dont want to put clothes on f that

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      • olderdude-xx

        Just pick your friends who stay over carefully.

        I suspect we would get along just fine.

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        • Lusty-Argonian

          Pretty much what I do. It's rare I have someone over who hasn't seen me naked let alone like 100 times or more. It's a simple way of life. It's a good life

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  • LloydAsher

    It's his damn house. Avoid his door then.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah, that's weird. My parents sometimes get changed with the door open too, though never wide open, it's just ajar. But even that is annoying and weird, I have to walk by with my head turned completely to the side so I can't even see where I'm going. I've never said anything to them cos it is only ever slightly open and it's not like I've ever seen anything, but if it was ever wide open then I would tell them. It's very strange though that your dad still wouldn't close it when you've told him. Everyone else is here saying it's his house, he can leave it open if he wants, but why wouldn't he close it though? It's not like it's in any way difficult or inconvenient. And it is only polite to close it, I do think he's being inconsiderate.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    If you pay for the home, then tell him to keep his door closed.

    If he pays for the home, then you need to avoid his room and leave him alone.

    At the end of the day, the one that pays for the roof over yalls heads is the one in the right. XD

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    If you’re female, it’s very inappropriate for him to do. If you’re male maybe he just thinks of you as 1 of the guys.

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