Is it normal that my dad won't listen to me when it comes to him hoarding
Hello everyone. So I'm 19 and still living with my parents because I go to a college near their the house I live in. I have a job and everything and plan on moving out this October. I love my dad but we constantly fight about petty things. So ever since my dad got out of the military, he has the early signs of hoarding. Most of the closets in our house are full with my fathers junk. My parents still haven't came up with an agreement to throw away things because my father keeps saying he's going to throw away some of his junk but he never does. When ever my fathers at work he gets paranoid. He calls my mom 15 times average everyday. When ever he comes home he goes throw the trash can. When ever me or my mother throw away OUR stuff it always ends up in the garage. He hoards things from 10 years ago such as old phone numbers, military clothing that he is never going to wear again etc. When I had sleepovers, they would never come back due to how junkie our house is. My parents fight sometimes over this and me and my fathers relationship is corrupted because of this. He just pushes us to the side and me and my mother are fed up. HELP