Is it normal that my first love was a dog
the first love of my life was with a german shepherd. Normal?
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the first love of my life was with a german shepherd. Normal?
...and WHY exactly? And PLEASE don't show ignorance of reality and facts by saying, "It's just wrong" and/or, "Because a dog cannot consent". Dogs may not have the intellectual level that a human being does, but like us they ARE sexual creatures and are NOT some sort of furry child and CAN give consent to a love type relationship.....up to and INCLUDING physical relations with their body language. That is universal among mammals.
You DO have the right to feel disgusted by someone who loves their dog this much. You DO NOT have the right to be ignorant of facts and think of a dog as a "child"!
It seems like it was another life, but I was married at one time and tried to be "normal" though I always had a connection with dogs. But I had no idea what love was until I met Heidi the German Shepherd. The only thing I regret is that over the years I have lost so many of my K9 companions since their lifespans are just so short :-(
That's the ONLY drawback to loving a dog with all of your heart....let's just say it, BEING IN LOVE....they will leave and take a piece with them.
It's ok I'm a werecat but no one believes me so we both have our problems