Is it normal that my friend always talks about herself?

i've noticed that we'll be telling each other about ourselves and she'll completely disregard what i share about myself and she will start talking about herself... i find it annoying because she's the only friend i've told about my ed and she ignored what i told her. she sometimes realizes she's talking about herself too much and will ask me to tell her about myself BUT THEN IF I BRING SOMETHING UP THAT SHE ALSO HAS AN EXPERIENCE WITH, SHE TALKS ABOUT HERSELF AGAIN!! i'm always there for her and i'm always telling her to not harm herself, but when i tell her about harming myself she doesn't give 2 fucks. i feel my self worth deteriorate every time she ignores a comment about myself and talks about herself a lot and it's gotten to the point where i'm embarrassed every time another person asks me about myself. is this normal ???

Voting Results
20% Normal
Based on 20 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • mouldiwarp

    If I understand correctly, she may be trying to relate to what you've told her by sharing a similar experience or something you reminded her of. When she doesn't respond, it just might be that she doesn't know what to say, but that doesn't mean she wasn't listening or caring, you could ask for affirmation if you think she didn't hear you, couldn't you? She probably doesn't have malevolent intentions of twisting the conversation to aggrandize herself, she just isn't very self-aware of how she comes off to others. Sometimes it's comforting knowing that you aren't alone and other people have similar experiences, maybe this is how she views it.

    As for her behavior when you tell her about cutting and eating disorders, that seems insensitive and unfair of her, but maybe the topic is uncomfortable for her and she doesn't know what advice to offer? It's an explanation, but not necessarily an excuse; you should tell her about how her actions make you feel.

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    • bbrown95

      These are my thoughts as well. I do try to acknowledge and address what people tell me, but I also tend to try to relate to them by sharing my similar experiences and have often wondered if they thought I was just wanting to talk about myself or even trying to one-up them, which has never been my intention.

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  • myfreakinopinion

    Your friend is associate, not a friend.

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  • clitoriajustice

    i voted normal because i definitely relate to this and unfortunately some people aren't very good listeners. your friend should listen to you more but if she doesn't you could talk to a therapist or text/call a hotline to talk, the latter is especially helpful if you need help with self harm or ED stuff or other mental health issues, even small ones. hotlines arent just for suicidality. and you could get a therapist for any reason, it can be really helpful.

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  • Somenormie

    You should tell her that her mindset isn't good. Narcissists bother me a lot.

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  • strawberryfieldsforever

    I had a friend that was just like that, I'd bring up something going on in my life that bothered me and she'd completely switch it around to talk about the shitty things going on in her life without even giving me guidance or advice. Honestly I'd just drop her... even for a couple weeks, put attention towards yourself and then maybe she will come to her senses and realize its not all about her.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Yeah, borderline narcissistic. But you’ll be considered weird if you aren’t nowadays.

    It’s not their fault, Facebook socially engineered an entire generation of kooks, only a small group escaped.

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  • ellnell

    Well she either has poor social skills or she's completely full of herself. Either way I would end the friendship if it doesn't bring you anything positive

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  • Ellenna

    That's not a friend, that's a boring egotist

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    You should tell her this bothers you.

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  • UpsetHamster

    That sounds borderline narcissistic

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