Is it normal that my friend constantly ruins my things?
I have this friend that I’m really close to, and we hang out a lot, but they’ve been pissing me off lately because they destroy everything I make.
I am an artist. I do writing and art requests online, but I also have a sketchbook that I carry around with me almost everywhere because I like to draw at random times.
They’re an artist too, but have zero respect for my boundaries or my drawings. Sometimes we watch each other draw, and I never touch or draw on their art because I know they work hard on it and don’t want it to be destroyed or changed without their permission.
They don’t see it that way, though.
They’ll stand over my shoulder and watch me draw, and then randomly point out random things like “the heads too small”, “you should move it that way”, “the eyes should be like this”, ALL the time. I can handle constructive criticism though, and still fix it even if they’re annoying about it. But sometimes they’ll just snatch my sketchbook from me and fix it themselves. I’m talking erase everything I did and draw it in their style to the point where it’s not even my drawing anymore. They never warn me or ask permission.
When they’re not changing the drawing, they’re scribbling random shit all over the page or even on the drawing itself. If even a little bit of crotch is showing, they’ll childishly draw a stupid penis on it as dark as possible so that I can barely even erase it, and then laugh in my face when I ask them not to or question why. Also, every time I draw someone who’s showing their chest, even if it’s clothed, they’ll make two ginormous dots in the middle and laugh and say it’s their nipples.
They also write all over the page. I mean ALL over the page. If there’s a blank spot, they’re writing “you’re gay” or “penis” or something stupid like that. If I erase it, they get mad and rewrite it.
They also draw in my sketchbook in every blank page they see, and don’t give a shit if I don’t want them to. I have OCD, which causes me to always want the first two pages of my sketchbook to be blank. I know that’s weird but I really can’t help it. They discovered that the two pages were blank, asked me why, listened to my explanation, and then laughed and filled one of the pages with their drawing. I got annoyed and told them to please take the drawing out of my sketchbook. They started legit CRYING and asking me if I hate their drawing and don’t want it. I took it out the next day. They noticed and gaslit me into thinking it was rude until I put it up on my wall to make them happy.
I’m planning on writing a webcomic, and I’ve told them the basic premise of the story. I’m pretty sure I made it clear that it’s a murder mystery, with some psychological shit, but they’re practically trying to force it to become romance. I have, like, one couple in the entire story. It’s not going to be centered around them, but I just wanted them to be together because I felt like they would be a good match. They literally forced me to make a self insert for them and let them be in a polyamorous relationship with those two characters. I didn’t want this at all. I don’t even know what to do with their self insert because it doesn’t fit into the story in any way, because they gave it the dumbest most overdone design ever, while the rest of the characters just have simple clothes with maybe a few accessories.
If I decide not to color in a sketch because I just like how it looks… you guessed it, they force me to let them color it in. This is pretty small, but combined with everything else it’s just 10x more annoying than it needs to be.
Is it normal for someone to care this little about your personal shit??