Is it normal that my friends won’t meet up
I am 18 years old and all my friends are university students aged 18-21. I have been in contact with some friends and have offered them to meet up in one of our houses or to have a party as everything is still closed in the UK due to the lockdown.
All of my friends have refused because the government have banned meetings of more than 2 and going to other peoples’ houses and they are worried about ‘protecting the vulnerable.’
I am of the opinion that this virus is just natural selection, weeding out the elderly or immunocompromised. Yet all of my friends are so hung up on protecting them despite not being in the at risk group themselves.
I am getting so unbearably bored in lockdown and I can’t believe they aren’t feeling the same. Is it normal for young and healthy people to be so overly concerned about the elderly and sick to the point where they are letting it get in the way of enjoying life?