Is it normal that my hamster hates me?
My hamster is the She-Devil.
She bites, scratches, and if you even come NEAR her cage, she stands up on two legs and stares at you with her beady little eyes.
I'm too scared to clean her cage, fearing that I will receive yet another bite from this little monster.
I love little Zelda, but she's turning into a little witch. I seriously kinda want to put her in the garden and let her wander away.
I bought her from Petland when she was 2 months old. She was sweet at first, a little skittish but not aggressive. It's been about 4 months now and she's completely changed.
I never abused her, she was never handled by little kids (since I've bought her) and I've ALWAYS made sure to clean her cage/water bottle WELL, keep her food dish full yada yada yada...
Is it normal that my hamster is a crazed psychopath?