Is it normal that my knee hurts after colliding with a chair?

a few weeks ago my left knee collided with a wooden chair at full force, and for a couple days I felt a sharp pain and cracking sound in my left knee whenever I bent my leg. now the cracking sounds have stopped but I can still feel some pain in my left knee when I bend my leg. I'm just wondering if it will go away on its own or if it will cause some other complications down the line, or if I should get this checked out.

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64% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • seekelp

    Seeing a doctor would be a wise choice.

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  • JD777

    Sounds like you displaced a tendon, or tendons. Tendons moving across joints is what makes the cracking noise when you crack something like your knuckles. Since it stopped, could be that the tendon has moved back into place. The lingering pain could be from a deep bruise. So, everything may be fine. Does your kneecap appear to be in its normal position (some inflammation would be normal). If not, or if you have persistent pain or limited mobility, never hurts to see a doc.

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