Is it normal that my pee smells like this?
So i eat a healthy (ish) diet with sweets and veggies alike, i'm in good shape and I am not ill, as far as i know. What worries me is that when i pee, it has a greenish tinge and smells... well, it's hard to describe. It smells a bit like malt, but not in a good way. It smells musty and a bit wheaty. If you are imagining this as smelling good, then you are inagining wrong. It doesn't smell terrible, but it smells bad. Not terribly strong, but this just randomly started one morning. I had not changed my diet or anything, it just started changing smell and color. I have changed my diet over the course of the 2 months that it has smelt like this, to no avail. I can't find anyone who has this problem too, so help me, internet!