Is it normal that my social phobia gets ''weaker'' when i'm alone in public?

I have social anxiety disorder, although I love going outonce in a while, but only if I go out alone. As you might know, social phobia sufferers try to create a well-mannered impression on others but believe they are unable to do so. So, when I go out with one of my friends, I feel like people are prejudicing my friend because of his appearance, and they also judge me because I'm the guy's who's appearance doesn't create a well-mannered impression on others friend. And ''why would you go out with a person like that?'' (Yeah, my mind is crazy like that.) So, I feel like judged because of my friend's appearance and my own appearance. When I go out alone I feel judged because of my own appearance only. I read a few stories of people who have social phobia and they feel more confident when they go out with their friends.

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62% Normal
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Comments ( 12 )
  • positive1#2

    Your reasoning actually makes more sense to me than reasoning of people who feel less awkward when with others. Still maybe it's because of that particular friend. I remember dealing with social anxiety as younger and certain people were definitely making me feel less anxious than others. Either way I'd say it's important for you to slowly break your barriers. Do things you're comfortable with but also try to progress and get rid of the phobia eventually. Good luck!

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  • Sog

    I'm the exact opposite. If I go out with friends, I feel like I have someone who can vouch for my authenticity. I don't care what they look like. And it's not like I need them to help me socialize, often times I'll just go off on my own anyway. But because they're there, I can sort of prove to other people (and maybe myself) that I'm not just some lonely creeper.

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    • What's so creepy about being lonely?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I can kind of relate to what you're saying. Sometimes I prefer to go places with others for "comfort", but I feel so awkward with them like I really don't belong and I'm just some third wheel. In that sense, I actually feel better on the "inside" when I do things alone. I'm no longer the person that's out of place... I still get scared of what others think of me, but depending on my surroundings I actually can feel better about myself. I hope this makes sense...

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I didn't know there was actually a name for this. I have something similar where going out with friends makes me feel insecure but when i am on my own there is no insecurity. I also feel this way about driving

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  • ExcessiveBDSM

    I've never been diagnosed but I have this I think...

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  • GuessWho

    I prefer going out alone for a different reason.

    I don't care what the general public think of me, but I do like to live up to my friends' expectations of me.

    I feel like I can't 'go all out' and do whatever I want when I'm acting according to someone else's interests.
    This limiting factor makes the experience somewhat less enjoyable for me.

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  • Squambly+

    Im kinda the same way, I'm slowly getting over it but now I'm turning into a loner. I have friends but I never go out with them. But if I were to I would pay attention to them and the time that I'm spending with them. Let me tell you, most of the time people in public don't really pay attention to those around them. They pay attention to themselves or whatever their doing. So next time this happens keep telling yourself what I just said.

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  • shannoniscool666

    You have to force yourself to talk to people when your alone, so when you do and it goes pretty well it makes you feel better about yourself! Normal

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  • Anime7

    Sounds pretty normal. If you ever go out, try inviting some friends to hang out.

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    • NO. Seems like you didn't understand what I meant. I feel more confident when going out alone.

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      • Anime7

        Your tittle said that, but I guess I got confused reading your story. Sorry.

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