Is it normal that my son's behavior is disturbing?

My son is occasionally compelled to act in ways that I find troublesome, and I don't know why he does any of this. I am a good father from a small, comfortable town in Texas who provides his son with a solid middle-class lifestyle and Methodist values. This has not stopped me from walking in on my son listening to recordings of people with obvious digestive disorders, or doing some other strange ritual such as kissing a mannequin's severed head or dancing with the dog (I blame the boy's mother for some of this; do you know they've got amphibians having relations with swine on that PBS show she lets him watch? Ughh!).

The boy also tells me that he has no interest emulating me and selling clean-burning fuel to the people of this town - where does he think the money that has kept him so well-fed over the years comes from (I stress that the boy IS well-fed - he was a model for a plus-sized clothing company once). Instead, he has some absurd dream about traveling to NYC or, god forbid, Los Angeles to work as a comedian! Sometimes, I just want to yell at the top of my lungs, I tell you what.

That son of mine is simply not correct in his undertakings.

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80% Normal
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Comments ( 13 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Totally normal for kids to rebel and act in ways that they know their parents won't like.

    Also, not to value what you value as being meaningful to society, and having their own dreams of greatness.

    This sounds totally normal.

    What is less normal is that you don't understand that this kind of behavior and thinking is quite common.

    I suggest that you start to read up on child development and phases they go through... and how to best react to things.

    As the late great Charlie Tremendous Jones has said (and I got to hear him say it in person a few years before his death at a motivational talk about becoming more successful): "I thought my job as a parent was to raise my kids. What I found out was that it was really my kids jobs to raise me to become a better person and parent."

    I wish you the best with this...

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  • bigbudchonger

    I might be teelapthic here, but is your son called Bobby?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    that boy aint right

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  • SkullsNRoses

    How old is your son? If he’s 12 or so I can see why he would kiss a mannequin head as “practice”. What do you mean by “recordings of people with obvious digestive disorders”?

    I wouldn’t take it too personally that he doesn’t want to follow you into your profession, most teenagers live in fear of “becoming their parents”.

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      The post is a reference to an old, Slice of Life, show called King of the Hill.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        I’m not going to lie, that’s reliving to hear.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    That boy ain't right.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I love that show. I love how serious Hank Hill takes his job. To him he is doing gods work. What a badass.

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  • Tommythecaty

    What a garbage troll post.

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    • I'm gonna kick your ass!

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      • Tommythecaty

        Methodist swine!

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        • Bwaaaaahhh! I'm sending you to a clean-burning afterlife once I kick your ass, I tell you hwat!!!

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          • Tommythecaty

            Oh the day of swine and roses! Christian zombie vampires! 🎵

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