Is it normal that my wife won't do anything?

I'm a full time working computer scientist who just passed his quarter life crisis. I work very long hours at an office, coming home well into the evening on most days.
There was a time when after coming home sweaty, tired, and hungry I could expect her to have taken the liberty to prepare us a meal, but two weeks ago I come home and she's sitting on the living room on her computer, telling me to just grab something.
All well and good, but after she stopped making meals, she decided to drop favours one by one as if to say, 'Can't expect me to do everything'.
OKAY. O-FRECKING, KAY. I'm expected to go to bloody work, earn money, tire myself out, come home, do more work, go to sleep, then repeat?
Next thing you know when the mini-me's come along, I'm going to have to drag my screaming kids to work because watching them at home is too much for Mrs Grown-Up-Honey-Boo-Boo.
What am I supposed to do? A marriage is supposed to be a team! If I earn the money each day then she should bring something of her own to the table.
Now there's probably going to be a bunch of feminists coming in and telling me that women aren't supposed to make a meal, do dishes, and give the odd back massage. Yeah? I'd rather that than sitting at a workstation all day! You're all just lazy freaks.
So, is my wife's behaviour acceptable, normal, whatever? What should I do?

Voting Results
19% Normal
Based on 57 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • victorygin

    don't have kids

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    • SandyGun5555

      You're gay.

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      • victorygin

        That sucks, I wanted the amputee one instead....

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  • green_boogers

    As an ex-software engineer, I know what your job is like. Why not encourage her to get a job? You can meet her at a restaurant after work, she can buy your dinner. Then both go home and you give her the backrub.

    PS. Teamwork is especially important when you have kids. Your type of marriage will sink if she ever falls pregnant.

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  • Alr

    Hm - The chances are she isnt happy with how the relationship is going. Maybe a chat is in order with her, The only way to definitely find out... - possible she's just not seeing you enough for her liking.

    casually slipping in ' are you ok ' might get things moving

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  • charli.m

    If she doesn't work, then yes, she could contribute like that. However, being a self important twat like you've presented yourself here isn't any better.

    Have you even considered discussing it with your wife and coming to a mutual agreement? And if not, why are you even married? And fuck, you really think bringing kids into this pool of misery is a good idea?

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    • SandyGun5555

      You lost your virginity at 13.

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  • Terrik1337

    Unfortunately being a computer scientist is the type of job that attracts woman who are only interested in your money. I'm a computer scientist and my relationship status is perpetually single. That being said, my dad managed to do it. From what I understand my mom has been pretty good to him, and they are still together. And yes, he is a computer scientist as well. You have a right to be frustrated, but the ultimate weight of the problem is going to fall on your shoulders. This is not to say you are the cause of the problems, just that you will have to be the solution. Some questions to think about that I haven't seen posted yet are:
    How many hours do you work?
    Do you make an effort to make her feel like more then a freeloader?
    Does she ever get out of the house to have fun on her own or are you pretty much her life?
    Do you believe she feels empowered?
    Does she have any ambition to have a career of her own?
    Is there anything you can do to encourage her with any ambitions she does have?
    These questions are not meant to attack you but to give you a few ideas for ways to better your situation. Most people want to succeed in life even if they don't know it themselves. Really, that to me (I'm a dude) is what feminism is all about. Empowerment! I took a class in collage. It did not help me get laid but it did give me a different outlook on life.

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  • Anonymous200

    She could just be depressed...does she sleep a lot?

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  • DonaldDump

    What is you staff doing all day? Sounds like your wife isn't the problem, you need to go to your servents and tell them, you're fired!

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  • handsignals

    A computer sciencetist? That's not a real job, I think this guy's making stuff up, I think he's trying to trick us!

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    • I was referring to myself in context to the university course I studied. I finished computer science at Oxford University, making me a computer scientist.

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      • handsignals

        Oxford? So what pub did you go to while you were there?

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        • I didn't go to any pubs, though I did go to Ferry Leisure Centre if you're looking for verification.
          Have you ever been to Oxford? All I know is that you're Australian.

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          • Lord_Flatulitis

            You probably should have vetted her better before popping the question. One way or another you are now stuck with the tab, paying to keep her or paying to get rid of her, but either way you are going to pay something.

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    You have the 4 things necessary to win any woman. A job, transportation, security, and a home. SHE is the one that needs to be worried. Not you.

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    • SandyGun5555

      You absolute dick.

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      • FJK_frm_AK25

        I'm da nigga I'm da nigga?

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    since when is workin on computers all day sweaty work?

    thats an insult to peoples what actually gots hard jobs

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    • SandyGun5555

      You are being controlled by the Illuminati.

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      • FJK_frm_AK25

        Bank of america account got six figures?

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  • Jess1010

    No wonder she doesn't want to do anything for you. You sound like a jerk. Calling her Mrs. Honey boo boo because she hasn't made you dinner in a few weeks. You both should be doing your part but I would be done trying with you by the obvious lack of respect you have for your wife. Please do not have children together, they will hate you and their lives. Get divorced!

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  • Sara0303

    If she doesn't work., ld be pissed. Tell her how you feel, if she doesn't change consider divorce. Life is too short to be unhappy

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  • Lorenza

    Something happened because myself I do not do those things but if I did , why stopping now . Even though I would prefer work myself than doing those things so maybe she wishes it too.

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  • Peterparker99

    Get rid of her. I had a lazy, do-nothing Peggy Bundy of a wife myself for awhile. I mean this bitch would literally be lying on the couch eating bon bons when I got home from work! I divorced her ass and adopted a cat. I am now much happier.

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  • Caps90

    Does she work or stay home? If she stays home no this is not normal. But I'm betting she is just as pissed off at you for something as you are her.

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  • rightkindofpasta

    No, definitely not normal. As many of the other posters have said, it seems it's time to sit down and talk to her. Maybe she's depressed or something's wrong, maybe she's pissed, or maybe she's just and entitled bitch. Talk to her and see if she's aware that you feel unappreciated and overwhelmed.

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    • LittleGirlBrutallyRaped

      It's time to either beat the wife or impregnate her he should opt for the ladder.

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  • iinotnormal

    Well, rather than posting something so obviously "Not Normal" on a web site and then sitting back waiting for us to give you the obvious answers, why don't you try sitting down with the Mrs, minus all the anger and rude talk, and let her know how you feel about where your relationship has gone and how you thought things would be different. But, be prepared, she may have complaints about you too....things you are unaware of, maybe you suck in the sack, I don't know.

    But, rather than just making it a "complain about her" session...Perhaps you should find out WHAT it is she does all day? She may be busy doing things you are unaware of. Maybe she's banging the neighbor who works nights. Perhaps see what motivates her, get her involved in classes, art, doing SOMETHING.

    Maybe she is genuinely pissed at you. Relationships aren't just about money, who does what. There is a lot more to them than that. Maybe she has grown tired of you?

    And, oh, maybe if you offered to do the dishes if she'll cook the meal, that might motivate her to cook for you. Perhaps a compliment on how good her cooking is, maybe a nice bouquet of flowers or a little gift might be nice. When was the last time you took her out someplace romantic, did what SHE wanted to do??? When was the last time you ravaged her, told her how sexy you think she is, even if she HAS put on a few lbs?

    You married this broad for a reason. It sounds like you DON'T have kids yet, which is EXCELLENT for both of you fucks sakes. Thank GOD you haven't brought kids into another bad don't need that. They need a LOVING home with supporting parents who KNOW how to get along, love each other, do things for each other.

    Relationships are supposed to be about "give and take". Maybe she doesn't know that, or, maybe she is sick of your bitching attitude and figures, the less she does, the sooner you'll be on your way, and then, rather than being married to a looser-geek-computer nerd who finds time to whine on web sites about her, she'll snag your boss' boss as a new mate, live the luxury life she really wants while the whole time, she crushes your balls to oblivion.

    That way, you can instead be posting up here advice on how to kill your boss' boss, or, how to get the image out of your head of her banging him every time he comes home to her!

    Or, maybe she really is just a bitch, and you need to dump her and move on. You be the judge of that.

    And, if you DO move on, maybe the next time, before you get hitched, you'll have had talked about things like this and both agreed on what your "roles" are to support one another.

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  • effex

    Get a new wife who will do what you want her to. They are out there.

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  • reality1984

    too bad.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    Shut up and serve the Goddess you little peasant.

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