Is it normal that my words are suddenly changing as i speak?

Sometimes whenever I want to say something with my intent of saying "A", then suddenly "B" comes out of my mouth. (Example #1): I wanted to ask "Why are you here for?", but then my mouth says "What" instead of "Why". Because of that I had to improvise.(Example #2): I want to say "You're okay", but my mouth says "You're decent".
Is this a disorder?

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46% Normal
Based on 13 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • litelander8

    It's ok to speak the way you want.

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  • 19sammi91

    That happens to me sometimes when I try and read something out loud.. as a kid I had (and probably still have) a learning disability..

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  • dimwitted

    I speak multiple languages so this sometimes happens to me.

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  • Boojum

    If this is something that's suddenly started to happen, it could be a form of aphasia that possibly indicates potentially serious issues, but misspeaking isn't that uncommon.

    You might find this brief Reddit discussion interesting:

    By the way, "Why are you here for?" is a strange construction grammatically. "What are you here for?" or "Why are you here?" are better, so your substitution was correct. Also, telling someone they're "decent" when you meant to say "okay" isn't that different in colloquial English, so it's not a huge mistake.

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  • libertybell

    That happens to me,too.

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