Is it normal that people are preoccupied with phones but don't answer them?

I work in a physical media rental/sales store so I have to do alot of phone calling; when people's orders come in, when their reserved items come in, when things are overdue etc, but I would say only 1 in 10 people actually answer their phones. I find this is the same outside of work too, generally the people I know answer text messages on average 3 days late and do not pick up phone calls. I am generally popular and do not believe that they are simply avoiding me. I just find it so strange in this day and age where people are so preoccupied with their phones, that they don't use them for their major function. IIN?

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79% Normal
Based on 14 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • TrustMeImLying


    But in my defense I _really_ am not fond of talking on the phone -- I will sometimes make exceptions for certain people. Not shy or anything, I just don't care for phone calls, don't know why.

    I'm open to texting though, I almost always reply quick... unless I read it while half asleep or driving and then forget. Ha

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  • thegypsysailor

    I find your post pleasantly comforting. From what I'd read online and gathered from broadcast media, I was pretty much under the impression that almost everybody was a slave to their tech.
    Girls come on IIN crying because some boy took 32 and a half seconds to respond to their text, or others who text each other at the same table in a night club.
    I honestly thought most young people had forgotten that their phones come with voice mail, and that they'd prefer email, anyway.
    So here's 3 cheers for all those you are complaining about for NOT being slaves to their tech.
    Hip hip hooray, Hip hip hooray, Hip hip hooray.

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    • but you've missed my point. they are slaves to their tech but are seemingly not using it for it's major function. For apps, internet or as a camera for selfies.

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  • Avant-Garde

    They're a lot of people who have telephobia. Basically, they fear talking on phones. People like this usually prefer non-direct communication with their phones.

    Another possibility is that your business' number is coming up as not being a contact number. If I get a number that's not recognised in my contacts I won't answer it.

    Some businesses get their customer's email so that they can alert them when they've shipped or reordered the product, or when their order is at the store. Perhaps, you could try suggesting this method to your manager? Good luck.

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  • charli.m

    I tend not to answer unknown numbers cos it's usually some call centre that i'll want to blow up if I have to listen to them. I know cos I google my missed calls.

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    • I never answer my house phone for that reason, I don't know why I still have one really. I don't get call centres calling my mobile, that's unlucky that would suck.

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      • charli.m

        Yeah Idk how the bastards got it. I don't have a home phone and I'm fairly sure my number isn't in the phonebook.

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        • Flc2019


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