Is it normal that people spout things they don't actually believe in?

People will spout things about racial equality, but be racist themselves and act like victims. People spout things on how to be a good partner but they're abusive toward the person they supposedly love. People spout about how stealing is wrong, but they evade taxes and act dumbfounded when they get caught. Is it normal?

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 13 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Yeah. Lots of people are hypocrites.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Normal yeah it's also common.

    One of the most popular is the majority of people who aren't trans and say they're pro trans are typically hypocrites. Behind their backs you'll hear them say "I don't agree with them, they're not really women, they're not really men" etc but then go marching in trans parades with their trans friends and say yes girl to their faces which I think is really odd. I've witnessed it and it was confusing.

    I'm not trans nor will I say where I stand on that but I just find it hilarious the amount of hypocrisy surrounding that.

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  • Normal - most people are hypocrites to some extent, and often times, a person's belief has more to do with advancing the interests of their own social group than it does with any genuine interest in right or wrong. check out the book "the elephant in the brain" for more info.

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  • Meowypowers

    "Western values give a blessed life often to non western people"

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  • bbrown95

    It's called virtue signaling, and it's unfortunately common. It is mainly about putting on a show and trying to convince other people about how great they are, when they know deep down inside they are not. The people I've known with the biggest bully-type personalities who always targeted and excluded people have always been the biggest "loving, caring, and accepting of everyone" type of virtue signalers.

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  • Sanara

    That part should change then. Maybe we need to make a rule that men cannot come alone without bringing women and children. If they complain about they being sexist, remind them that its nothing compared to what they have at home and so far it is a male majority that comes in.

    Dont forget that there are many people who already live in the country they arrive, so its not like they're just free to take over. I also think there needs to be a limit of the total amount of immigration we can have at any time (does not meant complete stop), and it should be well within what each country can handle and keep new immigrants as always a minority compared to people who have been there for several generations. While I am a bit worried about their impact, I think many may actually become less radical if the new society shows that they care about them. And I think being in war somehow damages peoples compassion and lower threshold for violence so the next generation that grow up in peace will be more caring and reasonable.

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  • Sanara

    I don't think we should give into the muslims demands, but someone who cares about women rights would still want the most oppressed women in the world to be transported to a place where they actually have rights. And that people in general shouldn't have to live with war and persecution. There may not be everyone from that country, men or women, that personally supports what their government do. And people get strict penalties for opposing it. The muslims I have met in person (which are mainly women, but I think muslim men have something against interacting with stranger women) dont seem like bad people so far.

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  • Sanara

    SaddleGoose: Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you cannot help them in need.

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  • Sanara

    For the last one, some people view tax as a form of theft so they may not see themself as hypocrites because they are the ones who get stolen from in their mind.

    I think some tax is simply needed for society to function and make sure people have what they need, I dont see it as theft if it goes back to the society (I dont think its used "perfectly", but still better than none) and is something everyone who can afford has to pay. Either way its more a question of whats needed. But remember some people do see it as theft. I wonder what society would actually look like with zero tax, but it may go to more tasks than people realize.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    "Who cares if the white American birth rates are not sustainable. We are over populated."

    Next sentence

    "We need these refugees. Our birth rates are not sustainable!"

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    "Why cant everyone just be accepting and open minded"

    Next sentence

    "I fuckin hate them theyre anti vaxxer rednecks. They should all be shot"

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    • litelander8

      Hey, we’re not all rednecks. So of us are just white trash. 🤷🏾‍♀️

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        lets not forget about the hillbillies

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