Is it normal that people who act superior because they have kids annoy me
I am past the age of having children. I never had children and never wanted children. When people ask me if I have kids and I tell them no, I often get looks that say either "what is wrong with you" or "you poor pathetic thing". I have also been asked "well who is going to take care of you when you are old?". Here's a news flash....many elderly people who have kids never see them.
People with kids frequently act like they are superior to people like me simply because they had sex and popped a kid out. Well a dog can do the same thing.
What do I think when someone tells me they have kids? I think "you poor pathetic thing. Your money disappears before you see it taking care of those rug rats and while I am enjoying relaxing vacations, you are either at home or spending your entrire vacation running after those knee highs.
So stop the looks when someone says they don't have kids. It is rude and there is a good chance they are having a more relaxed happy life than you are.