Is it normal that people who act superior because they have kids annoy me

I am past the age of having children. I never had children and never wanted children. When people ask me if I have kids and I tell them no, I often get looks that say either "what is wrong with you" or "you poor pathetic thing". I have also been asked "well who is going to take care of you when you are old?". Here's a news flash....many elderly people who have kids never see them.
People with kids frequently act like they are superior to people like me simply because they had sex and popped a kid out. Well a dog can do the same thing.
What do I think when someone tells me they have kids? I think "you poor pathetic thing. Your money disappears before you see it taking care of those rug rats and while I am enjoying relaxing vacations, you are either at home or spending your entrire vacation running after those knee highs.
So stop the looks when someone says they don't have kids. It is rude and there is a good chance they are having a more relaxed happy life than you are.

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88% Normal
Based on 58 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Reerob926

    I'm also older and never wanted children. People should be thanking us for not leaving another carbon footprint on the planet, or adding another student to already overcrowded schools. I feel the government should reward us for NOT having children...not the other way around. My aunt and uncle had 10 children and never paid a dime in tax. So because he couldn't wear a confirm, I have to be taxed to the teeth to make up for it? Yes, it's normal to be annoyed.

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  • _Mehhh_

    I can kind of relate, I'm really young (only 22) and I'm convicted in my absolute resolution that I will not have children. Don't want them, don't want the responsibility, don't want the financial setbacks, don't want the glares and questions as a gay Dad. Don't want any of it.

    I tend to get the patronising "oh you're only 22, you'll change your mind!", or even worse from my family "oh just wait until you find the right WOMAN!". I don't think the message has quite sunk in...

    I get the vibe that it's even worse for women though, since *obviously* a woman's sole purpose in life is to reproduce and provide children... in a world where not even enough resources for 3 billion people is being stretched between 7, and counting.

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  • geek_god_101

    "I have kids" is a statement, having children is NOT a credential at all. Having a PHD is a credential and something that is EARNED.

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  • DublinGirl

    The OP should take comfort from so many who empathise and (so far) not a naysayer in sight.

    One of the most ridiculous accusations I've heard is that those who choose not to have children are being selfish. Yet, the question those same accusers then ask is the one already referred to, which is,'Who's going to look after you when you're old?'

    Well, if there's anything 'selfish' attending the subject of having children then surely, having them on the precept of assuming they'll look after you when you're old has to be as selfish as it gets.

    But then, as the OP points out, there are many who do have children who hardly see them. Even then, it's often regarded as a chore to be undertaken out of duty - and a son/daughter-in-law tagging along with clenched teeth!

    Whether it's normal, or not, to be annoyed by parents who take a superior attitude towards those without children - it sure as hell is justified!

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  • CreamPuffs

    I agree.

    Besides, some people happen to be infertile, and can't have kids if they wanted to!

    Why are people so judgemental about stupid things. :c

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    They annoy me too. I'm 27 and I want nothing to do with popping out children. Most of the people that look down on me can't afford to own a home, go out to restaurants, get themselves nice things, etc. They just seem so stressed out half the time. The whole, "oh, you'll change your mind when you get older" nonsense kind of makes my skin crawl. I'm so glad my boyfriend does not want them either.

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    • When parents I know are being honest, many of them say "I love my kids, but if I were to do it again, I wouldn't have had kids."

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  • Ratmanisafag

    The most ridiculous assertion people make is the "who will take care of you when you are older". First off being old isn't something I really want to be extended as in being taken care of, unless of course I still have a high quality of life, in which case I wouldn't need someone taking care of me. I love how its assumed kids will take care of elderly parents but never talked about how many times grown children live NOWHERE NEAR their elderly parents.

    There are some very good points made in this story. If you take vacations and look around at the families also on vacation I can guarantee that most of the time the parents look very stressed out, I can almost guarantee they are not enjoying the vacation as much as they could be if the kids were not there.

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  • libertybell

    The world is overly populated anyway,I think it's better not to add to it. I don't have children either,and like,the human race is not going to die out if I don't have kids.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    the wife and I have a lot of fun with insecure people who try and make us feel bad for being childfree. we say things like
    we are actually vampires
    we are aging backwards like Benjamin button
    our robot skeleton army will take care of things
    we are planning to spontaneously combust like those guys in this is spinal tap.

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  • DuHast

    Smashed it. Couldn't agree more.

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