Is it normal that people who use social media infuriate me?

People who use social media now a days PISS ME OFF! I'm 18 years old and, although I used to like social media, I can no longer stand it or people who use it! Every time I go on Facebook, it seems like everything is something from tumblr that has been reblogged a million times, screenshotted, posted to twitter, retweeted a million times, screenshotted, and put on Facebook; some whiney emo poetry, OR A FUCKING SELFIE!!! I mean, how many pictures of you making the EXACT SAME FACE does the world really see. Then there are the people who constantly talk about shit they saw online in real life. YES! I SAW THE FUCKING CAT VIDEO! EVERYONE HAS SEEN THE CAT VIDEO!!! NOW GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE AND BE IN THE REAL WORLD FOR A WHILE!!!

I mean, look at Alex from Target. He became famous overnight because some teenage girl took his picture without his knowledge or consent and posted it on the internet. I don't got anything against the guy himself, honestly, if I became famous for doing nothing, I can't honestly say I wouldn't wallow in it. Not that he has.

What made me post this is my little sister (12) got a Samsung Galaxy (In my opinion, the best smartphone out there) from her aunt and was disappointed because it wasn't an iPhone 6 pus. A TWELVE YEAR OLD DOESN'T NEED A $500 PHONE THAT WILL GIVE HER UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE INTERNET!!! She has literally done nothing but post selfies to that damn Instagram site, insist that everybody follow her, and watch vine videos!!!

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76% Normal
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Comments ( 17 )
  • reminiscent

    You need to calm down.

    Who cares... I meen really think about it. Is this effecting your life in any negative way? Hurting you?
    Dont use the sites if you dont like them its pretty simple...everyone else is free to do as they wish and post as many same face pictures as much as they want... thats what they as individual people choose to do with their time is fine. It hurts no one.

    I dont care for the sites myself I dont use them. But I also dont care that others use them...doesn't bother me one bit.

    I do agree I dont think young kids need such expensive phones. And your sister seems quite selfish not appreciating what she got.

    For christmas my mom gave my daughter a tablet. It was a 70-80$ tablet fairly nice. And she was super appreciative and just wanted me to put a bunch of app games on it.

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  • Cats_Rule

    Unfortunately self-indulgency and self-hype are the name of the game for a lot of young people. I don't think social media was initially made for this sort of thing but this is where it is now. I have too much going on in my life to be bothered with social media in that sense. I use it as a family sharepoint for photos etc with NO friends on it at all.

    Perhaps too much time on their hands is part of the problem. Perhaps they should be guided by their parents (and Aunts!) to use their time more constructivley.

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  • Light-Yagami

    ....and exactly who is forcing you to go on social media and see all of this?

    Nobody. Just stay away from it and live your own life rather than criticising others for living theirs.

    Oh and also, an idiot who is going to rage about what other people choose to do with their time doesn't need unrestricted access to the internet, either. You're probably annoying a lot more people than your little sister is.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      Are you going to write her name in the book now?

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      • Light-Yagami

        Can't, I don't know her name :(

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I'm tired of Facebook too, just call me for Gods sake.

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  • Koda

    I joined Facebook in 2006 and quit in 2007. There was so much vanity. The whole concept of "friend collecting" baffles me. Now, if people want to stay in contact with me, they have to put forth an effort, this way, I know exactly who's worth staying in touch with. I still use e-mail.

    I don't know how many people have gaped in shock at me after asking if they could add me and my telling them "I don't use an account".

    I understand where you're coming from. It disturbs me too. And to the people above saying, "if you don't like it, don't use it": as I stated clearly above, I don't use it, but sadly, I'm still affected by it negatively day to day.

    People ignore me to my face to check their FB/texts. People invite me over just to have me watch them online on vine, tumblr, or instagram. Older children and pre-teens don't play anymore, technology has caused them to morph into vain, self-obsessed teenagers much too early. Many of them are also obese and lazy from not ever exercising or going outside. To me, it's a huge social problem, not a minor personal annoyance. Sure, social media causes me no pain or injury, but it worries me daily at the back of my mind.

    The internet was so much more promising when it was a platform for intellectual discussion among the educated. As soon as it became accessible to Joe Blow and his kids, it's turned into a dangerous place, whether you want to ignore that fact or not.

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    It's all the humans faults.

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  • mimi22

    i dont think these people should infuriate you, because the fact that they use it so often is because of how society has become. almost everyone uses it, and you can't be infuriate with almost everyone haha.

    i think you should be really happy that you can live your life in the real world and enjoy it. your part of the minority so consider yourself lucky.

    i hate facefuck now but i got it 7 years ago and it has become part of my life, i find myself refreshing my news feed all the time without realising it or logging in and 2 hours go by and somehow im still watching stupid videos people have uploaded. im basically a bit addicted to social media and find that it prevents me from making the most out of every day and appreciating natural things in life. im working on it ;)

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    • honestly, i think I am too

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  • thegypsysailor

    Please y'all; isn't IIN considered 'social media'? I get so confused by all these labels.

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    • Koda

      It's more like an old-fashioned message board focused on topic discussion. Social media is profile-based and focuses on sharing content, messages, and non-specific conversation.

      On IIN, we don't have a thousand selfies, a huge public friend list, we can only message people with Gold, there's no way to share videos, there are no "statuses", etc.

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      • thegypsysailor

        OK, thank you. It's all so confusing to us with 'old timer's disease'.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      I don't know. I think this person means Facebook and Twitter and sites where you use your real name.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Cool, so that means I still haven't used 'social media'. Whew, (wipes brow) still an old fogey.

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        • wistfulmaiden

          You're not missing much:)

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  • Aren't message forums a form of social media?
    I regularly use facebook to know whats going on in my area. I can see where it can become a bad habit when people use it and negelect real life, but that is their problem.
    I do not see people post much of the stuff you mentioned either.
    It sounds like you just know a bunch of stupid kids.

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