Is it normal that project veritas is being censored

So project Veritas dropped a bombshell of a story where Pfizer scientists themselves tote the effectiveness of natural immunity to covid 19. Instagram, facebook, big tech is censoring this blatantly true fact. Natural immunity does work, the only downside is that one you need to survive covid the first time. So if you are in an at risk group I'll recomend the vaccine.

Your opinion on censorship of ideals that go outside of the mainstream narrative?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • cumlordvegeta

    it's good and i'm glad it's happening

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Look up Robert W Malone he was one of the founders mRNA vaccines. He wrote the first publication in 1989 about how to use DNA to make vaccines. He was part of the first group to ever study it in the early 80s but he was the first to ever write about it. He was called the inventor of mRNA before he came out and told the people the risks and then he got canceled, youtube deleted, and smeared as a pseudo scientist spreading "antidotal" misinformation. He's as legit as they come. The media has been smearing him its hard to find anything about his career on google now.

    If you want to hear his interviews go to bitchute you cant find videos of him talking about it in depth on youtube or google.

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