Is it normal that religious people ruin the rep of religion

I have an interest in religion though I prefer pagan ones I don't mind christianity. I think its the (hardcore) followers of this religion that ruins its reputation the most.
For example I got a mini pocket bible in the mailbox the other day and in it they have added pages upon pages of articles with random people who are trying to sell christianity by going on about how Jesus saved their lives when they decided to turn to christianity. Sure that's great but why add these testimonies and try so hard to convince people? If it was such a fantastic thing it wouldn't be necessary plus it comes off as hysterical, obsessive and cult-y.
Pagan religions are definietely better in my opinion because they arent pushed on people or full of "dont do this or go to hell" so its no surprise people are turning more to those again nowadays (not counting certain countries as to me they are irrelevent).
I also think it's self absorbed and ridiculous to believe there's only 1 God and that on top of that he is listening in to specifically your prayers and not being busy as fuck with actual important matters and "people who have it way worse", and that without even being encouraged to leave a small offering before disturbing him! Ridiculous. But people are of course allowed to believe that, and religions would probably get less laughed upon and people would be less annoyed with them if many of the followers stopped trying to push them so hard in such a way that it nearly comes off as a cheap scam.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I dont understand when people say " i like this religion better".

    A religion is either true or not true. You dont pick one because you like it. Thats telling me youre willing to live a lie. You should only pick religion that you think is true, even if you do not like it.

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    • Tommythecaty

      Exactly, it’s such a weird thought process.

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    • Not really because it's just different ways of approaching Gods and there's most likely multiple Gods existing within different dimensions of the Universe if we gonna get very spiritual here, and then it's really about picking which one you feel most connected with.

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      • Clunk42

        That's not true in the slightest.

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        • No not if you follow a religion that is not polytheistic. That is why non polytheistic religions will fight anyone who says there's other Gods and cause war over it if they have to. They are less accepting. Pagans were cool with accepting Jesus as pretty much another God way back then, until christians forced them with violence to give up their old Gods.

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  • Voray

    Fanatics ruin everything.

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  • Somenormie

    I see it as more of a cult lol.

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  • KholatKhult

    Religion is a club, there will always be human drama in a club, and there will always be negative and positive factors about being apart of a community that has strict codes and agendas. Religion is accompanied with human error, every religion in existence is.

    Spirituality, having a personal connection to your god, gods, spirit, spirits, ancestors, etc. can be very beneficial in life. Spirituality I think has saved many people, and made many people a better version of themselves. Spirituality has also harmed many people, and made many people a threat to their community. The error lies in human behavior.

    My mother practices folk religion, my father was Jewish, and my wife is Buddhist - everyone of them has incorporated their spirituality to the best of their benefit and the benefit for those around them.

    Spirituality can neither be proven, nor can it be denied - think people who understand this can live very healthily alongside religion

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  • Dot123

    People need to get more into the ancient alien theory.

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  • Clunk42

    You think that pagans don't have their own versions of Hell? That's a massive generalization that is incredibly mistaken.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      hell is other people

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  • Meowypowers

    Indeed, radicals are often immoral and try and justify it because of their preferred interpretation of their given scripture.

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