Is it normal that snack cakes don't taste good to me anymore?

I've gone back to my past remedy of keeping weight off. Less sugar, more protein and fiber. It's reduced my SI joint pain significantly.

Yesterday I bought a single serve snack cake from the bodega because I missed them. It was a honey bun. It's been a while since I had one and when I opened it up and took a bite, I spat the thing out. It tasted like plastic and table sugar. It was just as I remembered it but at the same time tasted disappointing as fuck. I despise wasting food and will normally try to salvage something nasty tasting into something better tasting, but I felt like this wasn't worth it and chucked it in the nearby trash. XD

Is this normal?

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100% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Chudders

    When you cut out sugar, or added sugars rather, it is normal that sugary things would be overpowering and also, the low quality shit sugar most junk food uses would taste probably low quality.

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  • normal-rebellious

    I never try those snack cakes, but it's normal what you did, sugar tastes so much better when you eat it on a regular basis. Snack cakes would be good if they're vegetarian, those Twinkies taste great. Your diet doesn't allow you to enjoy it, over the years some foods made me sick, lamingtons give me heartburn.

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  • Somenormie

    Most of them are overrated and overhyped.

    Best example, Twinkies. Its THE most overrated snack cake and there's nothing special about it.

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      I really don't get the hype over twinkies. I tried one a while ago and it wasn't really that good. As a matter of fact, the taste was kind of nasty.

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      • splashgame3

        I think I remember at one point they wanted to discontinue them because people weren’t buying them. And when they announced it people got upset so they kept them.

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  • bbrown95

    Very normal. Once you get away from junk food and sugary drinks, they don't taste as good anymore, and often they no longer taste good at all. I've also found that most snack foods don't taste especially good to me anymore, and leave me with kind of a gross feeling after I've eaten them. I think most of these foods and beverages have an acquired taste (and might have some addictive qualities), and once you get away from them and get accustomed to other foods, they no longer taste as good as you remember.

    Ever since almost completely replacing soda and other sugary drinks with water, they taste sickeningly syrupy and sweet now, to the point they're hard to enjoy and definitely not thirst-quenching. It's the same with a lot of convenience foods (boxed mac and cheese being the biggest example) for me; I used to like them well, especially with my own added seasonings, but now I find them to taste primarily like salt no matter what I do to them, and it's more worth it to just cook the real thing rather than making it from a box.

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  • ospry

    Potato table slam wads goofy dog milk 🤬🤬🤬

    Those are all the words you're getting from me

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  • litelander8

    I noticed that they changed the airhead extremes a few years ago. They used to be my favorite candy. But there’s like a Jewish version or some shit that’s exactly like the original.

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  • godsdog

    Ive noticed that too. I think either they cheapened the recipe over the years or our tastes just matured. I loved those zebra cakes as a kid but now they taste waxy (lard?), so gross lol. the honeybuns always looked gross to me tho.

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    • Chudders

      I also liked Zebra cakes as a kid and they do kinda suck now, I can't remember when I tried them last but I remember being very unimpressed. They probably did cheapen the recipe. Probably added garbage like soy lecithin as a preservative.

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