Is it normal that so many people have their eyes glued to a screen?

We're like internet and screen dependent now. Its annoying. I know I have to use this stinking digital device but, sometimes I want to disconnect from everything that involves looking at a lighted screen. Everywhere you go now, everyone has their head down looking at a tiny mobile screen with fingers texting away. We might as well upload our brains to cloud storage. For my job? I must look at a screen for a minimum of 4 hours a day. Honestly? I'm beginning to think this sucks. I get a bit jealous of UPS and FedEx drivers that stop by at my office. They look so happy.

What else? Everywhere I go? Most people's faces are focused on a screen. Not to be a hypocrite? Me included. But, I'm starting to rethink this. Perhaps all this screen time is bad for us?

Is this normal?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 26 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • woodchuckgra

    Oddly enough the only time the drivers you mention don't have their heads in a device is when they r delivering to you. They are like anyone else. It is a shame. Quick story, I was at work and some Austrian men came in and I asked a coworker to sneak and use her iPhone to find out how to say hello how are you, in Austrian, she returned and said "oh, they speak English and you just say Gday mate". Really she confused Austria, which produced the worst dictator in history, Hitler, with Australia. That is our future, the younger generation can not tell the difference between a Nazi and Crocodile Dundee. The worst part is that their parents aren't teaching them to use this technology responsibly.

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    • charli.m

      Yet generalising a whole two countries to two individuals totally doesn't reek of complete and utter ignorance...which seems to be the main thing you're chastising your coworker for, not the use of technology. I mean fuck, it could be as simple as mishearing the name of the country. It's hardly uncommon.

      Well done.

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      • woodchuckgra

        I would concede the point you make if we had not discussed that Austria was next to Germany, I was trying to educate another individual, sorry. I would never reduce any county to one individual. That is dumb. However, the diversity between nations can be a helpful tool to identify a country and their place in history and their place in our modern world. Germany elected a progressive leader that lead them into a horrible place in history as a murdering nation of millions of people. They still are a progressive people, electing the first female chancellor. Ignorance is not something I have been discribed as in my life, oh by the way the coworker and I had a good laugh about the situation and she actually learned something, silly me!

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  • BobbyTheBear

    I prefer sniffing glue rather than gluing me eyes.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I often leave my phone behind when I go on lunch break. I turn it off when i ride my bike. You just have to do it. It really isn't that hard to let go of.

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  • charli.m

    There are many articles about the detriment if screen time...seriously, how are you not aware of that?

    Also, guilty. Though I don't have a job that requires it.

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  • Ellenna

    Last time my grand-daughter visited me she brought some sort of screen with her (a tablet?) and focussed on it nearly all the time: she copped a lecture from me about humans being more important than screens! Usually she draws or paints or we feed the ducks, take the dog for a walk, but not visit.

    The other day I was feeling a tiny bit lonely being the only person eating lunch alone in a cafe with my book, until I looked around and all the couples and families were looking at their screens and not at each other! I think they're lonelier than I was with my book

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  • mystery7

    Last thurs night I was out for dinner with about 8 people, some of them I knew, some I didn't. Instead of people talking to each other or socialising, so much of the time was spent with people just looking at their screens.

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  • ArayaLioness

    Not constantly or all the time. There are some people who seriously suffer WITHDRAWALS if they don't have it (guilty).

    For instance, if I lose electricity, I am completely lost. I don't have candles or any books handy so everything that's entertainment is electric.

    I'm so used to having the television on as background noise that I can't sleep if it's off.

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  • Notnomall

    Honestly, I am awaiting the day we can outfit our brains to interface directly into electronics so we can go around and hang out in virtual areas or experience the internet. Imagine linking up to a game console or PC and playing games online or discussing in realtime on a curated forum or personal meeting place or the like. (No pain, Hollywood, thank you very much.)

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