Is it normal that some people want people with down syndrome to die??

I see this in comments, in youtube videos, on a blog, etc and It disgusts me. They say things like, "they should have been aborted, they should be killed with fire, they are not worth anything, they ruin our planet, they are using up our air, they are stupid, they are useless, they are disgusting", etc and this bothers me to the core.


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40% Normal
Based on 63 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • I don't think it's normal for people to think these things. People with disabilities should be treated equally and if you actually get to know them instead of judging them for looking different or having different behaviors they're not any different from everyone else.

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    • Some people that are considered disabled by society actually have very focused talents and/or intelligence that the average person could never even fathom or understand. They are called savants. Someone on the autism spectrum that shows exceptional skills or brilliance in certain areas.

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      • Yeah, that's how I am. I have Asperger's which is a mild form of autism and have a really high iq but they couldn't accurately measure that all the way because of scattered test scores. I can play anything on the piano just by hearing it and have a really good understanding of physics and photographic memory with long term events. At the same time I have a lot of trouble with certain basic things.

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  • I see those comments a lot too. I am sure the people that post that ignorant crap are well adjusted and mature happy adults.....Yeah right..

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  • Johnnytherat

    maybe you should go and systematically hunt them down and stab them in the dick or boobs with a rusty nail

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  • thegypsysailor

    As long as they are happy and aren't allowed to parent more downs syndrome children, who cares?

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    • thegypsysailor

      Who in their right mind would thumb down that statement? Why would anyone really want them making more downs syndrome babies? That's fucking nuts.

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      • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

        As someone who was attacked by someone with downs syndrome I completely agree with you.

        S.o.b came up and chocked me from behind. I broke free and punched that mother fucker in the face. Somehow it ended up being my fault!. I was just sitting there minding my own business eating my lunch. wtf

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      • lolol555

        Maybe not. More down syndrome means more below-average-intelligence people which means less decent job competition. If we weed out all the imperfect genes we'll be left with a bunch of geniuses and then we'll be the ones who're below average.

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        • thegypsysailor

          I sincerely hope that was in jest. I wouldn't want to have to work twice as much to support your " more below-average-intelligence people", would you?
          We already have "the ones who're below average.", and the majority of them are in congress, especially the Tea Party morons, don't you think?

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          • lolol555

            That's why you vote conservative (lower taxes), init gov'ner? And don't you quotation me mr, it's a fact their IQs are below the norm, heck, it's a key part of classifying what is and isn't DS.

            Stop right there. Ron Paul 2012.

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            • thegypsysailor

              I'm not too sure who you are speaking of, "it's a fact their IQs are below the norm", but I'd like to think it's congress.
              I don't think we necessarily need lower taxes (ours are some of the lowest), just to have them spent without pork barrel politics.

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      • handsignals

        I know right, I'm not saying we I hate em or we should kill em but they shouldn't be making babies, scientific theory say's there's a 50% chance there babies will have DS.

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    • handsignals

      That's the thing dude, I think they can.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Then they should be sterilized, don't you think?

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        • I'm a bit surprised to find you espousing such a position. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you always seemed to be more left-leaning overall.

          I'm a eugenicist, but I also can't help but feel a strong affinity for libertarianism.
          We should make efforts to enforce policies of both negative and positive eugenics, but little if anything should be forced on those devoid of genuinely criminal inclinations.

          Really, there's no reason to believe that a completely voluntary sterilization program would be infeasible. Think about it - we go to the ghetto and tell these losers that by submitting to our will they'll receive $50 cash and a new pair of shoes. And of course, the ability to fuck all they want without the risk of pregnancy. Come on now, how many of these hood rats and white-trash degenerates are going to say no? What do they have to lose?

          It's a lovely idea. All in all, everyone wins.

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        • Oh come on. I see a lot people comment on mandatory sterilization as well. I think it is a bit extreme and completely unconstitutional.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Why do you think mandatory sterilization is excessive in some cases? For anyone who will pass on something like DS, or any number of serious genetic abnormalities that are incapacitating? I'm absolutely 100% in favor of physical castration for serial rapists. Why not?
            As for the Constitution, it lost most of it's value with the Patriot Act and the Supreme Court Hobby Lobby and corporate funding of political campaigns decisions. You are barking up an outdated and useless tree there, unless it's on the Republican agenda, pal.

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            • I agree that the constitution has lost some of its value for sure. As for serial rapists, it was proposed to chemically castrate sexual offenders with anti androgen type drugs in the US but it was still considered cruel and unusual punishment and prohibited by the eighth amendment. I honestly don't see mandatory sterilizations happening anytime soon.

              You do make a good point regarding genetic abnormalities but talk about the government abusing the constitution and people losing their rights but at the same time you would support the government involuntarily sterilizing people? How would that be moving in the right direction when the government is already infringing on peoples basic rights enough as it is?

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  • NobodyKnows

    I HOPE it's not normal. I'm not a politically correct person, but by god, killing people? Just for being disabled? Christ on a stick...

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  • Pika-girl

    ... *sigh* ...I want people with Lavender Town Syndrome to live.

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