Is it normal that sometimes i get insomnia?

It's not consistent, just one every month maybe. But I dread the day it comes. I just cant seem to fall asleep no matter what, and then I end up freaking out and thus find it harder to sleep, even if I'm really really sleepy and tired. It sucks, but does it happen to anyone else? And if so, how do I make it stop?

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81% Normal
Based on 16 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • Get some exercise. Speedwalk/jog a couple miles.

    Eat a big meal before bedtime.

    Read a mentally exhausting book.

    The light from your phone or computer can trick the body into believing it's still daylight out and cause you to stay awake. If you can put up with the tint, you might find the freeware "f.lux" useful.

    I'm guessing other people are going to tell you to 420blazeit, but remember, weed is degenerate!

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  • fmlxxx

    I have chronic insomnia so this is very normal. Consult with you doctor if it gets worse. Be luck it's only once a month.

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  • Sprutta

    when it happens, what were you doing just before? Also trying to sleep usualy doesn't work as it makes you concentrate and being sleepy is the oposite of being concentrate.

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