Is it normal that suicide rates are rising?
I read somewhere that between 2007 and 2018, the suicide rate among 18 to 24-year olds rose a whopping 60%.
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I read somewhere that between 2007 and 2018, the suicide rate among 18 to 24-year olds rose a whopping 60%.
I certainly don't envy the young people today. I sometimes wish I could get in a time machine, and go back to the 1990's.
My wife works in a hospital and deals with attempted suicide patients regularly.
She says that the suicide and suicide attempt rate has skyrocketed due to Covid-19 and all the social disruptions.
Yeah I've read those statistics before. There seems to be a MASSIVE increase in youth suicides, coinciding with the rise of social media around the late 2000s-early 2010s-period. Before that, it was actually declining, and had done so greatly since 1994, up until 2008 when the trend started reversing.
“2007 and 2018, the suicide rate among 18 to 24-year olds rose a whopping 60%.”So what else occurred as a big change between those years. Social media, it’s the problem. Fostering bullying, narcissism, attention seeking, validation scales...
People are pussies. It's called natural selection. Modern medicine has made its job more difficult so here we are.
People sense that society is going downhill and things are only getting worse while already being bad. The pandemic sure doesn't help, and people fear it will permanently change society for the worse. It makes sense, but its not good
I think its because we arent preparing youth for the real world. Now they're giving them safe spaces in university and sheltering them and telling them how important their feelings are. Then they get out there and realize that was all bullshit. We are teaching them to be victims.