Is it normal that the lunch lady got mad at me for this?

I was just waiting in line on a cold Friday night, eagerly anticipating my favorite meal. It was cheeseburger night, and I love cheeseburgers. Sadly, as the line moved forward, I ended up feeling a little disappointed...All the veggies were bright and crisp, except, of course, the tomatoes. They were very slimy looking, and cut thin to top it all off. I hate slimy tomatoes with a passion. I did notice, thankfully, that some of them did look nice!

So, I innocently asked the lunch lady, who I had spoken with many times before..."Hi! Is it ok if I can have a firm tomato, please?" She just looked at me in surprised disgust. A FIRM tomato!? WTF! HOW ENTITLED IS THIS STUPID BITCH!? She didn't actually say that...but it did feel that way at the time. She actually said something more like, "Now that you asked that everyone else is going to ask the same thing. You get what you get." Wow, what a fucking bitch. I didn't say that either, but I was definitely thinking it. I could feel my heart plummet as my cheeseburger night was now indefinitely ruined.

I am simply incapable of enjoying a cheeseburger if it has been contaminated with the foul juices of a fermenting tomato. Fortunately, a guy next to this lunch lady immediately put a nice fresh tomato on my cheeseburger right in front of the lunch lady, no questions asked. I then took my prize and grabbed a fistful of various condiments while I rushed to sit down at the nearest empty table. Can anyone relate?

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60% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Somenormie

    Just appreciate your food and don't act like a Karen.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I can't relate to this. Food is food. Complaining about a tomato is an unimportant first world problem.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    tomatoes ruin burgers

    if mine comes with tomatoes i eat the tomato slice before the burger

    and fuckin mayo can fuck right off my burger too

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  • Tommythecaty

    To be fair I’d look at you exactly the same way. Tomato becomes soggy the second you chew it you dipshit, so just eat it.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Why is this so detailed

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