Is it normal that the reasoning behind the loss of faith can make me rage?

Alright, just to be clear: I'm fine with any belief, Atheist, Christian, Satanist, whatever.

What makes me rage is whenever someones faith is shaken by death. "I had my doubts when my mom was diagnosed with cancer", or something like that. Logic has no part, only feelings. Did you really think life was so great because you were good enough for a god to make it that way? As if your god doesn't care about starving children or other dying people? Now that YOUR people are dying, and YOUR life is bad, maybe there's not an eternal daddy watching over YOU.

I don't mind doubt, and I'm not an atheist. If the only way doubt can come into your life is not by logic, not by curiosity, but by tough luck, you're narrow-minded and selfish. And you make me rage.

Is it normal I feel this way? Or is it not, and I should focus harder on how damn life shaking life is for some short sighted person.

Pardon my raginess, if you would.

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70% Normal
Based on 47 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    What annoys me is those people outside with signs which say things like: you will all burn in hell or gay people are the work of the devil..
    Especially when they have their children with them..
    Teaching their children this nonsense so they can pass it on like its been passed on for 2000 years.
    When i think about how many religious people there are today in 2011 i feel a bit disappointed in the human race.

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  • Darkoil

    But these people are idiots in the first place, it is understandable they change their minds so fast due to them being mindless sheep.

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  • Dozis

    I never lost my faith. Wanna know why? Because I never really had it.

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  • taciturn

    I'm agnostic-atheist, so I can't speak for the people you're talking about, but it sounds more like their faith is shaken by the idea that god could put people through terrible things for seemingly no reason - it all just becomes more real when it happens to them.

    It's completely natural - most people don't really obsess over safety until, say, they have a break-in. It's at that moment that other people's anecdotes become real, personal, and powerful to them.

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  • underager

    Nowhere in the Bible does it say if you believe, your family will never die.
    I just don't get how some religious people seem to think it does.

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  • badboy82

    If someone lost their faith due to hard times i would have to say they didnt have a strong faith to begin with. And most people are dumb to begin with to think that prayer or religion or a god or anything will save them from dying then there would be thousands of thousand year olds roaming the earth. when its someones time to go its thier time to go no amount of prayer sacrifice or wishful thinking can stop that. sheez havnt you all seen final destination? :) "Why postpone the inevitable!"

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    It's normal because its happened to me. When a family member has cancer people say pray. And when you get down on your knees and pray and its doesnt work it breaks your heart. Thats how you lose faith.

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  • jesusdiedlol


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  • nowimsureimsane


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  • hannahj03

    I wouldn't say it's normal to feel that way but I think similarly to that. Just because something bad happened to someone doesn't seem like a reason you should lose your faith because as you said there are many people with problems worse than yours. Now if you think about it and start to believe that logically then that's a different story. That was actually examining your belief system and seeing what made sense to you.

    I would say that there's no reason to "rage" about this but yes I find it irritating as well, especially as an atheist myself.

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