Is it normal that the reasoning behind the loss of faith can make me rage?
Alright, just to be clear: I'm fine with any belief, Atheist, Christian, Satanist, whatever.
What makes me rage is whenever someones faith is shaken by death. "I had my doubts when my mom was diagnosed with cancer", or something like that. Logic has no part, only feelings. Did you really think life was so great because you were good enough for a god to make it that way? As if your god doesn't care about starving children or other dying people? Now that YOUR people are dying, and YOUR life is bad, maybe there's not an eternal daddy watching over YOU.
I don't mind doubt, and I'm not an atheist. If the only way doubt can come into your life is not by logic, not by curiosity, but by tough luck, you're narrow-minded and selfish. And you make me rage.
Is it normal I feel this way? Or is it not, and I should focus harder on how damn life shaking life is for some short sighted person.
Pardon my raginess, if you would.