Is it normal that these fucking posts are deleted?!!

I woke up this morning and and came on here to check my notices. I had four of them. Every one I went to the fucking story was gone. This very rarely happened in the past. Recently it seems that 3 out of 5 of my comments are gone due to one of these reasons below. Here's a little suggestion, butt hurt mother fuckers stop reporting shit. You're not the fucking arbiter of acceptable content on this site! And if you make a posts don't delete it! If people take the time to comment on your god damn story it'd be nice for it to be there for more than 2 hours later. Shit!!! Rant over.

I delete my posts 1
I delete comments 1
I report posts 4
I report comments 3
I do all that shit 7
Help us keep this site organized and clean. Thanks!
[ Report Post ]
Comments ( 29 )
  • ImjustJeff

    I think it sucks too. I have seen, and replied to a few posts that have been deleted as well.

    I got a notice that one of my posts was deleted. I don't see the harm in wondering what part of the world you are from...?

    It seems sad that the heartfelt, well written stories are deleted, but the 'IIN to butt $&#% my cat?' trolls seem to thrive.

    So, if you are deleting your own (non-troll) posts , quit it. I have seen many legitimate questions, that are nearly identical to the situations I am in. So much so, that I wonder if I had actually typed them myself...

    For those of you reporting them or deleting them from your own post? Why? People are entitled to their own opinions, if you don't want a stupid answer, don't ask a stupid question!

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  • The_Management

    You see, the problem is that I am simply tired of reading posts written by pеdophiles and dog Rаpists all day and I often regret making this website in the first place. I just don't care enough to maintain this forum anymore and quite frankly, I have more important things to do than manage trolls and perverts, so you can either deal with it or get the fuсk off my website.

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    • That's strange, fake management, because those post seem to be the ones that stick around. And honestly I think I may just say fuck your.....his site.

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  • I have only reported posts when there are multiple posts of the same thing and I always leave one. Other than that I think there was an advertisement I reported before. When I report I always leave a comment saying why I reported so people know why it was reported.

    As for deleting other peoples comments I did it once because there was an argument going on for days that had nothing to do with the topic and I was tired of getting notices about it so I deleted their whole conversation, which worked.

    I have deleted my own posts before after they were dead and it was because they contained too much personal information, usually regarding someone I know, but I wanted advice so posted anyways with the intention of later deleting it. I know that seems unnecessary, but I am not anonymous here since many people in my real life know I use this website and it would not be hard for anyone in my real life to find me here as well as people here find me in real life.

    About posts getting deletes, I have done a bit of investagation and believe there are two people on the iin staff. The manager and the moderator. It seems the manager used to do everything, but hired the moderator to look after the site for him. I personally do not believe either of them do much of anything here other than the moderator comes here weekly to dump the unmoderated folder into the recycle bin. I have not noticed many topics come out after being reported and it basically deletes them. I don't think they even look at this site at all. At first I thought the moderator may be a user here, but it seems like they don't do much of anything.

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    • Those are all understandable reasons. I think some people are just acting as a fill in moderator in the managements absence and it's fucking annoying.

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      • I have noticed "Udi" is one of the key bad words that will autosend a post to moderation.

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        • Thou shalt not use thy name in vain.

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      • I'm sure that is what is going on. People complain about the moderation but there is no moderation other than someone weekly tossing out the reported posts.

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  • green_boogers

    I rarely post. But when I do, I'll usually get 50+ comments. Sort of confirms that there is a scarcity of good topics. I have also noticed that the first few comments will usually steer the entire discussion either toward intelligent insight or inane one liners.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      Lol what? 50+ comments is a lot. I only know one post of yours though, and that one got 34, must have been one of your less popular ones?

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      • green_boogers

        That was the one on robot espionage I believe. My best post got 87 responses. The worst got 11.

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        • Shackleford96

          Um, I just have to burst your bubble here, that's not that many responses... lol

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          • green_boogers

            Are you one of the IIN wizards that always gets 100+ responses? If so, you are a god.

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            • Shackleford96

              Lol, no, definitely not. Especially since the moderation process changed a while back and new posts just flood in all the time causing many to be overlooked... That's another subject though.

              Before all that happened though, I did have one of my own that got into the hundreds. I've seen maybe just one or two posts that actually reached the limit and no more comments could be made on them.

              I made both of these:
     (131 comments at the time of this comment)

     (71 comments at the time of this comment)

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  • I've noticed this too. I am not sure if they're reported or simply did not recieve enough votes to stay up, which a few of mine have been taken down due to that. So I don't think it's reporters that are the problem.

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    • I had no idea a shortage of votes would cause a post to be removed. I'm pretty damn sure a large percentage of the absent posts are deleted by the authors too. You're probably right, the fewest are probably due to reporting but I'm not sure

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      • Yeah, I would say it's the lack of votes. Even when a post has a lot of comments it can be deleted due to a lack of votes, which I've experienced before too. I am sure there are some that report but I doubt they're the majority. :)

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  • If you report posts I'd like to hear why. Do you get off on thinking you wield some power on this site? Do you think so highly of yourself that it is your judgement that should or should not allow posts to exist? Or are you just a trolling asshole that wants to fuck this site up....further? If you think you're legitimately doing us all a favor then I don't see why you shouldn't show us who you are. Come on keyboard warriors let's hear it.

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    • disthing

      I've reported posts before - mainly because they were either incoherent rants with no perceivable question or blatant troll posts. I don't think I've reported any recently, but probably end up reporting 1 a month or so.

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      • Shackleford96

        I used to, until I lost hope that it does any good at all...

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      • That's not so bad. And really not quite what I was referring to. I'm thinking someone/people are reporting shit because they feel like it's repetitive, offensive in their perception, not up to par for the site, or mildly questionable in legitimacy. recently posts have disappear with such frequency that makes me think that people are playing moderator with the report feature. I mean it's all the damn time now whereas before this type of shit hardly ever happened.

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        • disthing

          You said "if you report posts I'd like to hear from you", and I do, so I replied.

          The problem is people here are playing the moderator because we ARE the moderators - whereas previously there was proper front-line moderation on this site. But because anybody can report a post, there's no guarantee that people will use that function responsibly or maturely.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It seems there are quite a few on IIN now who don't care to have any disagreements with their posts. It is very common to have posts deleted from threads and it seems to be a fairly new thing.
    As you said, it is frustrating to go to the effort to post only to have it deleted a few minutes later.
    Perhaps it's time that there were some changes made to this policy. Perhaps those who constantly delete from their own threads should be warned, then banned as it makes the rest of us only post inconsequential one liners.
    While we're at it couldn't something be done about these idiots who post exactly the same stupid thread every single day? every single day? every single day? every single day? every single day? every single day?

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  • slings_and_arrows

    I haven't reported anything I can remember except the jewish hating one, and maybe a really racist comment once. Maybe. But rarely, coz I think what's the point in censoring, I am interested to see how people really think and some people do have racist, sexist, homophobic feelings and that's just where humanity is at right now.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I once got reported for saying I hate christians what kind of pussy would take offence in that

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    • slings_and_arrows

      Didn't you say you nearly stabbed one in the eye with a crucifix?

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  • And if a post didn't turn out the way you wanted or didn't really get the answers you were looking for then just abandon it. Why in the hell do you feel the need to delete it? Maybe someone else would get something from it. Maybe you're not the only person that may benefit from the comments or content.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      So I think I know who you are...and I do regret deleting my contentious post that I started, I should have left it up.

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      • dammit! I knew I should have used Ebonics through this whole post. ha

        thanks for saying that about your post though :)

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