Is it normal that this winds me up something chronic?

This one is going to trigger the Karens...

It royally pisses me off that modern women associate the word "submissive" with "subservient", and thereby pass up on perfectly good men who simply want to lead the relationship, because they think he's going to view her as beneath him. An equally aggravating pair of words that modern women conflate is "dominant" and "abusive".

"Submissive" means amenable, compliant, open to suggestion, willing to co-operate. None of that negates your right to disagree with a suggestion that has been made. You can be submissive in a relationship and still have full control over the outcome of the situation.

I like amenable, friendly, feminine women. That's my type. I'm not going to view any woman with those traits as beneath me. If anything, a woman like that commands more respect.

"Dominant" means able to lead, can make decisions, can delegate, to be purposeful, to act forthrightly. You can be dominant in a relationship without neglecting the needs of your partner, and respecting their equality therein.

If you want a man who can lead you, but still respect your equality, then accept your feminine traits and allow him to be your man.

It's not subservient to be submissive. It's not abusive to be dominant.

Voting Results
18% Normal
Based on 11 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Ligeia

    You don't seem to know much at all about history. Women "submitting" is associated with most of human history, continuing in parts of the world today, when women were literally a subservient class with far less rights or options in society. We've advanced past the stage where women are defined by men, get over it

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I think its hilarious. Apparently guys like me slave at work all week just so we can oppress a poor female that gets to stay home all year round, not work, and get a debit card with free money on it. You'd have to be a Nazi to do such a thing to a woman.

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    • This. It's laughable how ridiculous it is.

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  • Chudders

    Any man who thinks this is almost as braindead as you are. No one expects you to do anything, but regular women? Yeah, if you're staying a home, that's the domain you're in charge of.
    "Bullshit" like what you get in the Mid East is what you get when feminism hasn't been destroying your civilization.

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    • litelander8

      I would assume you’re an actual retard. But retards are like super happy. You’re just an angry little cunt. Poor thing.

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      • Chudders

        I don't know why, other than maybe due to an emotional outburst, you'd think either of those things but neither are true, especially the latter. I'm generally quite happy. Maybe you should spend less time assuming and more time verifying... Quite a retarded thing to do... How ironic.

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        • litelander8

          Verifying what? Wtf are you on?

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          • Chudders

            Absolute retard. Verifying information rather than making assumptions.

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  • litelander8

    I feel like this site is 97% gay men. I prefer a more diverse crowd.

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    • Chudders

      Then leave faggot.

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      • litelander8

        You need meds dude.

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  • No you dont. You get a situation like we had in the west around 20 to 30 years ago.

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