Is it normal that thoughts talk to each other?
I've had it for about couple months now. Since last year Septembre. A day when I heard someone call me get out the bed. Now every now and then my thoughts talk to each other and me. Gave them names so I don't confuse each other. There's threee of them. Richard who seems to be a bit like Mr. Robot. Josh who's a constant doubting depressed and hopeless mess but tries to hide it. And Elliott who constantly tells me things like to be careful about my neighbours because they seem odd and may be planning something but also that I need to be calm when I'm about to freak out because I make myself suspicious. And he tells me to do some work and meet people. He's helping me the most of all these three.
I've written a story about them and now they are mad at me. Richard always wants to battle me while Elliott tries to shut him up and Josh is not getting his head together. Sometimes it's so bad I can hear them like I wearing tight fitting headphones.
Sometimes they shut up completely like closing the door to my head. I've talked with my family, they don't believe me. So either it's normal but one of these taboo topics to not talk about or it isn't and they want to get rid of me now.
Do you have head voices in your head that talk to you often? I can still think my own thoughts but they are there and won't leave me for long.