Is it normal that typing brings out the psycho in me?
whether it's emails or forum posts, or sometimes even texts, anything with words on a screen. my words are reflective of me being intense, unstable, critical, over-elaborate, meticulous and generally on edge. I can make a tremendous fuss/drama out of an issue with a keyboard that I'd shrug off IRL.
it's like I have no filter. no, I'm not mean to people, it has nothing to do with people. it's that I spew this enormous and potentially neverending rant of emotional garbage that most of the times I read over the next day or later, and realize, "wow WTF was I on?" or "was that really me?" and no I dont drink/drug.
Ok. I must add though that this weirdness is often indicative whenever I'm referring to a unpleasant relationship or friendship - past or present. it gets worse if im overtired, or sleepy. or have been in front of a computer for too long. I will literally write 1000 words about something and still feel that I could reword things, add more, or erase them and start from scratch. and spend hours on a post. it's like I'm writing a bloody research paper. it makes me feel on edge. Look at this post it's long already and it was just a question /facepalm. I'm a super fast typer but I've spent about 20-40 minutes writing/drafting/rewriting this.
it makes me feel psychotic. comments/advice?