Is it normal that typing brings out the psycho in me?

whether it's emails or forum posts, or sometimes even texts, anything with words on a screen. my words are reflective of me being intense, unstable, critical, over-elaborate, meticulous and generally on edge. I can make a tremendous fuss/drama out of an issue with a keyboard that I'd shrug off IRL.

it's like I have no filter. no, I'm not mean to people, it has nothing to do with people. it's that I spew this enormous and potentially neverending rant of emotional garbage that most of the times I read over the next day or later, and realize, "wow WTF was I on?" or "was that really me?" and no I dont drink/drug.

Ok. I must add though that this weirdness is often indicative whenever I'm referring to a unpleasant relationship or friendship - past or present. it gets worse if im overtired, or sleepy. or have been in front of a computer for too long. I will literally write 1000 words about something and still feel that I could reword things, add more, or erase them and start from scratch. and spend hours on a post. it's like I'm writing a bloody research paper. it makes me feel on edge. Look at this post it's long already and it was just a question /facepalm. I'm a super fast typer but I've spent about 20-40 minutes writing/drafting/rewriting this.

it makes me feel psychotic. comments/advice?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • mountain-man82

    Maybe try to stay off a computer when youre overworked or tired.

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  • alextsang08

    You might have split personality disorder, I have it and the same thing happens to me.

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  • thegypsysailor

    It's the computers themselves that drive me nuts. Then damn things work for ME, not the other way around, and it should, no, I rephrase, must do as I wish! But they don't. It's like they have a mind of their own and do whatever they please, particularly if it angers, frustrates or upsets me. I have never had such a love/hate relationship with a person. grrrrrrrrr

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  • NotHumanAtAll

    I would find you interesting to be around. But who knows how you talk in person.

    Sometimes when I'm emotionally charged I do things that are completely out of my norm and when I wake up the next day I feel like that person was not me. Completely dissociate from that part of me. Its usually when I'm happy though or excited about life, which hasn't been me recently.

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    • aw. now I have an inexplicable urge to make you happy. *gets frustrated*

      Wait. do something for me. let go of your mouse, keyboard or whatever you're on, please. It's a acupunture vastushasti thingamagik technique

      Im serious dont just read what im saying but do it...

      Or else you'll ruin it. It's no prank i promise. I'll wait for you to scroll down to the end of this post so you can read it

      Ready? K good.

      Grab your left shoulder with your right hand. Keep grabbing. Now grab your right shoulder with your left hand. Keep grabbing. Now squeeze both shoulders as hard as you can with your hands

      You just got a hug from me!
      You deserve more lovin' but there are other people reading this *subtly points at the weirdo in the corner touching self*

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      • NotHumanAtAll

        :D This was sweet and made me happy. Of course I couldnt resist and read to the end of the post and then read it again and actually did it.

        I think at moments like those, you're meant to write stuff. A lot of artists are a little crazy and that's how they get the most creative stuff out that becomes historical. (Not saying that anything you will do in this life will make history, cause you know... that's a bit difficult in this day and age. Not sure if that's even something you would want or care about.)

        Or I suppose you could take advantage of these moments and write to people like me who appreciate your mind and ways of "typing" and make them happy, like you just did.

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