Is it normal that when applying to jobs, i only apply to one at a time?

I know many other people will apply to like four at a time, but I have a 100% success rate when it comes to interviewing for jobs. I don't apply to jobs that I'm not qualified for.

Is it normal that I only apply to one job at a time?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 5 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • S12207

    Ya I guess it's normal, but if they really want you to come on board having multiple offers gives you the option of negotiating for higher pay and others perks. The ball is in your court and don't just take a job because it's offered to you and settle. Go get em tiger ;)

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  • Nickvey

    one time i applied three places and they all hired me , so now its one at a time.

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  • bob7

    teach me master

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  • lordofopinions

    When I was on the job market I would apply for several but that's me.

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  • fakeaccount4

    But you dont automatically get an interview from applying so it doesnt matter your 'success rate'. youre saying youre only qualified for 1 job at a time?

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    • No, I am not only qualified for one job at a time. Never having applied to a job that I'm not qualified for is my explanation for having gotten every job I have ever applied to. Because I never apply to a job that I'm not qualified for on paper, I always get an interview. Make sense?

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      • fakeaccount4

        No, because even if you're qualified, that doesn't guarantee you'll get an interview. Unless you're like, a dishwasher or something.

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