Is it normal that when i feel stuck somewhere, i sweat and feel nauseous?

Recently over the last year or two...I will be out, on a date....or at a movie...or at a family members house. Anywhere outside of 20 mins away from home, or with someone i am not comfortable with. I will be fine, a little nervous, no big deal. Then out of nowhere i will get a hot flash, realize i am stuck where i am, cant explain to the person im with. Begin to get extremely nauseous, cant finish dinner and feel dumb telling my date why. I sweat and i have to urge to poop really bad. Its awful! ive left several dates because of this happening. I dont actually throw up, but i will have an extremely upset stomach once i get home. I will be shaky and really tired after this "episode" is over. What the heck is wrong with me? Is this normal?

Voting Results
54% Normal
Based on 37 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Social anxiety

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  • iran

    Don't think about it, who cares what other people think about what you do. Look at it this way, it's your life do whatever you want with it, nobody can stop you only you can control what you do. =P

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  • samalander

    I don't agree that it's normal cuz it happens to me too and no one else! Have water with you and learn to relax when in different atmospheres also learn to trust people!

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  • squirrellvr

    hmmm im not afraid of leaving my house, or being at a girlfriends house. It occurs mainly when i am out with someone i dont feel comfortable being able to tell i dont feel well, or terrified of getting sick in front of. Its almost anxiety, without the breathing restrictions.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    I don't think it's claustrophobia because the OP isn't talking about tight encloses spaces. And iirc that can be triggered regardless of location.

    This sounds more like a version of agoraphobia - fear of being outside. Agoraphobiacs aren't just restricted to their houses like you see in extreme cases, but the symptoms increase as the distance increases.

    I would recommend talking to a doctor about this

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  • iinspud

    You may have claustrophobia. the fear of being stuck in a tight space. the symptoms match. Don't worry, it happens to a lot of people.

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