Is it normal that women judge me just by my looks?

Not to brag but I'm a pretty good looking guy. Some would say Handsome. Anyways on several have taken one look at me and immediately judged me to be a no good player. Some have even looked at the like I was their baby daddy and I'm 1 year late on Child Support.

I'm like, no I am actually a good man who does not cheat on women and don't have any kids. I treat women nice.

Yes, If you look good you must be a player 5
Yes, You Are a Man So You Can't Be Trusted 5
No, People Should get to know you first 20
No, Women are Insecure 7
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Comments ( 5 )
  • CatInTheBox

    It's not as clear cut as "you look good - ergo you're a player". There is a subtle interplay between facial features, dress, height, and so forth, that determines your "affect".

    For an example we've all experienced in real life: Tall people are threatening, and short people are adorable. However, if that tall person is friendly and dressed in a nice suit, maybe we'd peg him as not threatening, but competent. Conversely, if he has a studded biker jacket and tattoo sleeved, uber-muscled arms that ripple when he chews on his cigar, of course his affect will be intimidating. These are very obvious examples and in real life they are usually much less crude.

    The subtle interplay between physical traits and the way one holds oneself, the way they dress, body language, height, and the rest, all combine in your case into an affect that makes women wary of you. It is not black and white, it is very, very nuanced. One trait could be "modified" by a second to give the former a different meaning, like in the example of the tall man above. It can lead to endless variation.

    Like Tealights said, it can be previous life experience that lends itself to an interpretation of a trait, possibly as much as the trait itself.

    My advice would be to evaluate your affect by asking some trusted friends what they would think of you had they seen you for the first time, get a brainstorm session going. You might be able to figure out what it is and change it, if not, you might learn something about yourself in the process.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Its probly more than just looks in my experience looks aren't the deciding thing. Maybe your unintentionally sending a message that is turning them off.

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  • Tealights

    Depends on their life experiences.

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  • Lies

    They assume you have bitches lined up lmao i can relate a little.

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  • kat10

    Us woman tend to judge other men because of our passed experience. But don't let the way we see change how you treat woman. show them wrong, show them that your'e not who they think you are.

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