Is it normal that young girls get wet for serial-killers?

Seriously. Who do serial-killers always get young female admirers? In the 1970s, Ted Bundy got a shitload of love-letters sent to him, and in the 90s, it was the same thing with Dahmer.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I've always thought Ted Bundy was gross with his weird face.

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  • Ligeia

    It's not normal. I think it may have something to do with the way girls are socialized to think no man is unsalvageable, and that she can "fix him." They see these serial killers as misunderstood men who need a woman's love.
    Edit: lmao at the reply guys not understanding female socialization

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    • Well, good luck trying to fix a psychopath.

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    • ospry

      That's like...narcissistic as shit

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  • bbrown95

    I will never understand this either.

    My theory, though, is that it's part of the "bad boy", "I can change him" thing. I've noticed with girls who seem to chase after losers, cheaters, abusers, and downright dangerous men that they always seem to think they are the exception and that guy will treat them well, and/or that they can "fix" or change him. I've never seen it work among the women I know so I don't know why so many continue to be deluded into thinking this is reasonable or realistic, and I have no idea why they prefer men like that over normal, caring ones. Perhaps they like the danger element? I think some people also have a bit of a savior complex and have a need to try to fix someone.

    As for why they'd send love letters to someone in prison who was never getting out and that they wouldn't even have the opportunity to "change" unless they thought it was going to happen via those letters, I have no idea. Some women do have some violent fantasies, perhaps that was the case with those women? It's gross either way.

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    • profanity

      Attraction to the danger element in them. Just like some people like skydiving(thrill).

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  • Holzman_67

    It speaks to the darkness in us I think

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  • Giorgi

    No woman ever went wet for 2014 Isla Vista murderer.

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  • Tommythecaty


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  • Jh9856

    I guess the way our society depicts the "nice guy" as a needy loser, may be the cause of women always looking for psichopats.

    for example, where i live, most women have this uncontrollable urge for sucking drug dealers.

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  • Wow3986

    Seriously, what's your problem? Dahmer was not a serial killer. he did nothing wrong. This obviously was a scheme pulled off by the police because he was GAY. They claimed he killed those guys because they were homophobic. They just wanted a reason to put him in prison because they're a bunch of bigots.

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    • raisinbran

      They planted all the body parts as evidence.

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      • Wow3986

        Somebody ELSE did it. This was all just a way to get him in prison because they hated gay people.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I'm not gonna lie putins kida hot.

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    • dude_Jones

      You missed your chance with Elvis Presley. Why not find out Vladimir’s cute bedroom name and send him a postcard with a few hearts on it?

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Elvis? Gross. I'm aight. Um something tells me that wouldn't go well gorgeous an American tranng to be reaching out to putin. If he even replied next thing I know my government would be wanting to know why the fuck im in contact with him.

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        • dude_Jones

          You’re right. That’s best left to female CIA operatives that are good at getting confessions during passionate sex.

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  • profanity

    Becoz they are alpha.

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