Is it normal that your nostrils run randomly?

I dunno how else to put this. Basically some days when I'm just sitting there, my nostrils will drip like sweat. Not out of both nostrils or something. Just one. It might happen if I walk sometimes. I don't think it's mucus because it's watery and it's not cloudy like mucus.

It sometimes happens after I get a sudden headache. But I can't tell if it's just sinuses being swollen.

So like, this happens usually right? Half the time when I have this happen, my nose isn't stuffy.

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50% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • olderdude-xx

    This is a common reaction to mild nasal allergies, and if you pay attention it will switch nostrils after a few hours.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I have nasal issues myself. My shit is crooked and all fucked up. Do you have a deviated septum?

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