Is it normal the only interview i ever passed was automated?

I've been looking for a job for about a year and I have gone on many phone interviews and in person interviews. A couple of my interviews were automated, the kind where you answer questions from a voice recording, and that's the only kind of interview I've ever passed. I got advice before to treat interviews like conversations but I'm not even so great at regular conversations, let alone the more difficult interview. So I'm thinking I'm better at automated interviews because I'm not supposed to converse with them but just talk how i always do? Any other reasons anyone can think of why I've only ever gotten past the automated interview?

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38% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • drunkdrow

    Interviewers are usually expecting some people to be pretty socially awkward. Just go for jobs that arent meant for social people (as in desk jobs, customer service, etc), answer their questions, and you will be fine. As long as you didnt get fired from your last job, have a criminal history, and have a whole slew of people saying that you're a terrible employee, you will be able to find a job. If you're having trouble finding a job that you want, look for one you dont want (mcdonalds, walmart, etc), and then start looking for a better job while you are working there

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    • welkinson

      Like, are there any living wage jobs who hire 24 year olds on the autism spectrum who have never had a job and have a tough time answering interview questions, if they can answer them at all?

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      • drunkdrow

        Ya there are. I dont know a lot of autistic people, but i used to work with one guy who supported himself and his kid with the money he made.

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  • IrishPotato

    It's normal for you to be uncomfortable during normal interviews and I'm guessing these types are just easier.

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