Is it normal the pope is evil?

On Monday the end of humanity begins when that seemingly harmless old man will announce the new world order.
Why do I think he's evil? First of all he's a liar - why does he masquerade as a Christian when he openly states that the Bible lies, that a relationship with Jesus is dangerous, and that all religions are true?
He's also been linked to the murder of many people, and been caught doing all sorts of horrendous things that don't get publicised. Seriously, just perform a few Google searches. Nobody's making this stuff up.
He is working in close co-operation with many government high-ups (especially the American government) and the Vatican millitary, the Jesuits.
Bit by bit the pieces of our cage are being put together. What's with all the tracking devices, cameras, data collection from our devices, the helicopters with infra-red cameras that we can't run from? Most people will laugh me off because the idea that humanity is being threatened by an evil power doesn't appeal to them.
Have you heard how many claims he has made regarding extra-terrestrials? I strongly believe that there have been developed highly sophisticated hologram projectors which will lure people into going along with the leaders of the one world government movement by showing seemingly impossible/amazing things.
After the unified bank and government system is installed, it'll only be a matter of time before the Vatican tries to merge all religions, and any opposition they receive, be it from Atheists, Muslims or Christians, will be enaliated.
Some of you may think I'm a troll, but I'm dead serious. You may not believe me but I strongly encourage you to do some reading, and please, just stay aware.

I agree with many of your points 9
I agree with half of what you say 2
I agree with only a few of your points 5
You're totally wrong, a conspiracy theorist 17
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Couman

    Jack Chick, is that you?

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  • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

    Your an idiot.

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    • mypenisinyourmouth

      You're *

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      • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

        My phone could spell it with a W and and S and I still wouldn't retype it.

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        • mypenisinyourmouth

          Don't be a lazy motherfucker. Be fancy as fuck.

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          • GiveMeAFuckingNameAlready!

            My fingers are to big. I just go with it. #hashtag

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  • mypenisinyourmouth

    This place and its shit conspiracy theories

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  • bucho's_butt

    Yes I believe he's evil. There's some shit that goes on in the vatican that is beyond abhorrent.

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  • Short4Words

    As someone who believes some of these things are true, your delivery gives me a headache. It would be hard to not dismiss you as crazy.

    You'd be better off convincing someone of one thing than the whole shebang. It's true the Pope's words and unprecedented. Not all what he says is untrue though. Personal relationship with Jesus can be dangerous without church community to help you with all your questions.

    There's a start. As for the rest you're gonna need to do some more work.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I don't think this pope is evil but I think he should start giving away the Vaticans money to poor people!

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  • Lizziebaby

    He is.. The bible talks about the antichrist coming from the Roman Empire.. The mother of all whores.. Which is the Vatican. He will deceive people with smooth words of love and hope, but it is a one world agenda to worship the antichrist. Notice the millions of people who flock to him and revere his.. This is prophesied and foretold in the bible.. But none one is watching or even realizes it. They will fall into the trap hook line and sinker.. Many will accept the mark because they will be deceived by his words.

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  • tlt7337

    you are misinformed and are mixing the previous pope who lasted 30 days with the current pope. I am not religious but I am well informed on what he wants and what he stands for.

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  • heckleBucker

    You are even more uninteresting than the pope.

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