Is it normal there is no stop to white police brutality on black people?

Its been 32 years since the Rodney King incident in LA 1992, it wasn't the first incident of white police excessive brutality and racist attitude to black people nor was it last. People have perhaps forgotten the case of Arthur McDuffie in 1980. No need to bring up the pre 60s civil rights movement era. In 2014 unarmed Michael Brown was shot dead, 2019 unarmed Brandon Webber was shot dead. These are just a few incidents of 100s if not 1000s, there have been many cases when black people were either assaulted or out right killed by white police officers just because they were black and looked suspicious, and did not commit crimes. For those who did commit crimes (mostly just theft or driving faster than speed limit) there is the law to punish them, but such extra judicial killings is unforgivable. White business men are killing, raping, looting money everywhere but the pigs just take bribes and do nothing to them.

Now what happened on May 25, 2020 however is beyond unforgivable. George Floyd was an innocent good natured black man, loved by family and friends, with no criminal record. He was 46 year old.
"“He was a good dude,” said Floyd’s cousin, Zackery Terrell. “Whenever you were around him, you felt nothing but just good energy.” “He was getting his life together over there, just kind of got away,” Terrell said. “He was driving trucks to provide for his family.”

On May 25 four white police officers stopped his car. "The officer is seen in the video ignoring his pleas. Police claimed Floyd matched the description of a suspect in a forgery case at a grocery store and that he resisted arrest." They told him to cooperate and not struggle, he did everything as told, they could have just taken him to the car if they liked as some bystanders pointed out, but instead they pinned him to the ground and Officer Derek Chauvin (who previously had killed a suspect in a separate shooting incident) sat on his neck with his knees. George Floyd was a huge (but gentle) man, he could have knocked all four of them if he wanted, but even until then he cooperated everything and just kept chocking "I can't breath", "I can't breath". Bystanders kept pleading the pig to let him go, but Chauvin wouldnt, some pointed out Chauvin was enjoying himself while the other three cops did nothing but watch in amusement. This ordeal lasted 7 minutes till George became unconscious, Chauvin still didn't let go until the ambulance arrive and George was declared dead. And its been proven he was innocent!

Naturally people protested. It wasn't as violent as the 1980 or 1992 cases but still violent clashes between cops and protests lasted until just few hours ago (May 28 now). The four cops have naturally been suspended but Derek Chauvin deserves to be charged with murder. If people protests such incidents they are called bad yet ignorants do not care what these protests are about. Why white people feel they are superior to black just because of their skin color, why after 65 years after the 1955 lynching to death of a 14 year old black child Emmett Till that sparked two decades of civil rights movements these brutality on the black community continues. People need to realize black people are humans too, being black does not automatically make them criminals, such extra judicial brutality (especially for simple crimes like grocery theft (despite most victims being innocent)) need to stop. People treat slogans like black life matters as a joke, just look at the goofy dance offs. Well now there is a whole new slogan "I can't breath" which as been the slogan for Floyd's protest and which has literally been the final words of black people dying of police brutality in many cases. Anti racist behavior need to be institutionalized at schools like sex-ed, white supremacy needs to end and people need to respect the right to life of black people, their voices be heard. Lets live by the spirits of what MLK preached, dedicated to his life, died for the cause of. I pray George Floyd and all such victims like him finds peace.

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Comments ( 50 )
  • EnglishLad

    It's because the USA is an institutionally racist country. And it isn't only since Trump has been president that it's been that way, he's just made it more obvious.

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    • Mammal-lover

      Dude my country is hilariously racist. Even down to property likes n shit. It's so funny but so sad

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      • In the midst of all the darkness there is a positive side. This time more white people protested the incident than ever before. Like I said we must teach from a young age that racism is bad. Anti racism education should be institutionalized at schools like sex-ed, the historic significance of the anti slavery movements, the civil war, the civil rights movements should be given the utmost priority in children's curriculum. That way they would grow up knowing the evils of racism and we can hope the future generations forever erases it.

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        • EnglishLad

          More white people protested the incident than ever before because it was such a high-profile case. The whole world saw the incident, not just you guys.

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        • Mammal-lover

          I mean it's all taught in school. Cramming it down someones throat does no good. Just teach everyone is equal cause everyone is equal and our ancestors were just stupid

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    • ripleyripley

      Yes!! Trump isn't the disorder, he's the symptom.

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    • Racism was practiced in the open until the 1950s. Black people were barred from hanging with white people, they were forced to give up their seats for white people in local buses. Shortly before the Emmett Till incident 15 year old teenage girl Claudette Colvin refused to give up her bought seat for a white woman. She was arrested. After the Emmet Till incident started the widespread anti racism civil rights movement which included the Montgomery bus boycott. A. Philip Randolph fought for years in the 1940s for equal treatment of black servicemen in the military. Black men and women led countless movements, peaking in the 60s with MLK taking the central stage, to put an end to racism for good. After MLK's assassination the 1968 civil rights act was a turning point. Racism is no longer practiced widespread in the open, but is still there, even now white people refuses to share bus seats with black people, and of course there are these police brutalities and out right murders. All these discrimination and hate crimes, yet people don't get, black or white, their place upon death will be the same, the grave, bodies decayed alike by parasites reduced to mere skeletons. Do white folks who are generalizing (certainly not all, just those who are racist) think they will have a better fate, that they are just better than all by virtue of their skin color. They are nothing but the same mud begins as blacks. Black or White we are all humans and its time for perfect equality to settle and such brutal extrajudicial torture and killings to stop.

      George Floyd wasn't involved in the grocery theft, he just looked similar to the said suspect. Even if it was the real suspect, is something as barbaric as a cop sitting on his neck while he pleads to let him breath while being chocked, all bystanders telling to let go of him, but the cop just enjoying it acceptable? No! He did everything as the cops said, even would have let them arrest him, but the cops wanted to humiliate him. And he isn't the only one, black people have been victimized by police in this manner since long before the civil rights era, and I mentioned some other cases, there are cases of blacks being shot dead for being blacks, no link to criminal activities at all, and all this needs to stop. People needs to understand black lives matter!

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      • EnglishLad

        Don't beat around the bush, man, say what you really mean :P

        All joking aside though, you're absolutely right. It's terrible that those cops barbarically choked him to death like that. There is a part of me that wishes society would reel in shock every time SOMEONE got shot/choked to death though, as opposed to x skin colour/religion member.

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  • lillyquinlan

    Certain demographics are inherently more violent and impulsive, that’s a fact. The difference between you and a police officer is your view on the world is shaped by what the media chooses to show you and his is shaped by real life events and patterns observed firsthand. This is not a whites-vs-everyone-else situation. In fact East Asians commit less crime than whites on average, and naturally police officers aren’t as wary of them on the streets. I’m not saying all black and brown people are like that but let’s not act like they’re marginalized for no reason.

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    • SmokeEverything

      Pig worldview is shaped by being freely allowed to do whatever you want with zero fear of consequences. That's why people become cops in the first place.

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      • leggs91200

        Give a young man a fast car to drive, a badge, and a gun. What could Possibly go wrong?

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        • raisinbran

          Can I ask, if you could get rid of all police tomorrow, what would you replace them with?

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            anarchy sounded good to me till i asked whod fix the sewers
            or would the rednecks just play king of the neighborhood

            -dead kennedys 1986

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          • Who said anything about all police? Just those involved in this heinous murder needs to be punished. They have already been fired rightfully so, but they cannot be allowed to walk the streets freely, especially not Officer Derek Chauvin. And targeting of black people needs to be stopped, the 50s, 60s all the struggles of MLK who lost his life doing so. People say there is no discrimination, even today a black CNN reporter was temporarily arrested despite not breaking any laws, but nothing happened to the white. I just hope such police brutality is never enforced. Maybe if it was a violent situation it would be justified, but Floyd totally cooperated, didnt even struggle, but the racist pigs decides to humiliate him anyway and end up killing him. This barbaric practice needs to stop for good.

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            • SmokeEverything

              Stop making it a race issue. This is EVERYONE'S issue. I'm white and I'm glad they burned that city down. People of all races need to come together and take the power back from the police state. They make a big deal about black people getting shot by white cops, exclusively. But I don't believe the problem is a bunch of racist cops who just want to go around killing black people. It's that pigs get away with murder constantly. Before people started recording them this whole thing would've been swept under the rug. How many of them have gotten away with murder in the last 20 years? Nobody knows. 40% of pigs beat their wives. Have you ever talked to one? All they understand is macho attitude and violence.

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          • SmokeEverything

            If we get rid of the mafia who will protect our neighborhood?

            Sheep thinking the safest we can possibly be is having an armed gang of rapists and murdering thugs walking around with guns allowed to shoot people any time they're "scared"

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah it's outrageous. I'd be terrified to walk the streets if I were a black person in America, I'd feel less safe in a heavily police patrolled area when it should be the opposite.

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    • Yes the job of police is to protect us, not to suffocate us while making us lay face down, and they lay on our neck chocking us to death as we cry "i can't breath". George Floyd wasn't even involved in any crime, he just looked similar to a black grocery theft. He cooperated with the cops, they could have just arrested him, but they chose to humiliate him and in doing so they killed him, and he is not the first black victim of such police brutality (as I mentioned some previous cases in the original post), but he needs to be the last!

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      • SmokeEverything

        Police actually have no requirements to "protect" you. They aren't required to put themselves in harms way to protect anyone. Their job is to harass and extort money from civilians.

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        • DaneMcFain

          Why did a white person disagree?

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          • SmokeEverything


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          • leggs91200

            He isn't saying he agrees with that fact, just that it really seems that is how the pigs operate.

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            • SmokeEverything

              The constitution DOES NOT say that it's the job of the police or any government entity to protect another person. It's been upheld in multiple supreme court decisions. The police don't have any responsibility to protect anyone. So then what is their job?

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  • LloydAsher

    Justice is ALREADY being served to the accused. This is not a reason to burn and loot other peoples shit. I'm not supporting any protests right now due this obvious double standard at play. The rioters, looters and the cops are all in the wrong. The cops are already being prosecuted, the wrong will be righted by the states coffers and the law system already in place.

    Who is in the major wrong here are the rioters and the looters who deserve to be shot by the store owners. The store owners dont value their shit more than a human life. The looters clearly value the store shit over their own lives. I dont pitty those who get shot over stealing a TV, Dont fucking steal.

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  • dirtybirdy

    It was March 1991, so that's 29 years....just sayin

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  • TerriAngel

    A few thoughts:
    1 Votes matter, every black person needs to vote, as a body.
    Each election.
    2 People are talking about what kind of time or conviction the killer should get. Understand this, Most of these crimes never even go to trial.
    They are tossed out before charges are brought to trial.
    The grand jury.
    Crimes involving cops need an independent prosecuctor, because the states D.A. is in bed with the cops.
    All a grand jury does is say:
    Should this case go to trial?
    Yet the prosecutor is able to get them to vote to not take cops to court.
    3 interesting dump is saying he will push the case, 6 months ago at a cop dinner he was telling cops.
    Don't be gentle, don't protect their head as you put these scum in the squad car.
    He was cheered, elections have consequenses.
    4 Don't think getting fired ends a cops carear. A fired cop just moves, and becomes another towns problem.
    Ask temile rice., You can't.
    Ask his parents.
    5 This outrage is well deserved.
    But if it changes nothing.
    It's just a statistic.
    Vote your morals.
    Spend your money wisely.
    Watch who supports what.
    then vote with your pocketbooks as well.

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  • SmokeEverything

    I wish people would stop making this a race issue. That gilgo beach killer on long island was pretty obviously James Burke cheif of police. The problem is that police are a worthless gang of criminals.

    It only shows up in the news when a black person gets killed, not anyone else. That makes it seem like a black person's problem, and not everyone's problem. The fucking pigs are the biggest criminal gang in the country and get away with murder and other crime on a regular basis, then they investigate themselves and find that they always "feared for their life" and there's a ton of lousy bootlickers out there who will defend anything they do for... reasons. I don't understand it

    What needs to happen in this George Floyd case is 100% those four little piggies all need to be sentenced to death. Brutal death. Throw them in gen pop in prison and the situation will take care of itself. Sadly that probably won't happen and they'll just retire with pensions or get a job as a pig in another state.

    There's a great law I heard where if you're a blood or a crip and your gang kills somebody a couple blocks away, you can be guilty by association. This is why I believe every single pig deserves to die. They're nothing but a gang of wifebeating rapists and murderers. Sadly I feel like the only answer that will fix any of this is violence. They can't be beat by peaceful means. All they understand is violence and brutality, which is why 40% of cops beat their wives and children.

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    • leggs91200

      If those four pigs ended up in prison, which is mostly populated by blacks, they would be junked out for spare parts.

      About cops beating their wives and kids - I used to live in a town where one of the bigger dickhead cops lost his job over that and drunk driving.

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      • SmokeEverything

        It's pretty common compared to how many of them actually get punished for it. The reason the domestic violence rate for them is so high is you have to call other wifebeating pigs to come stop the abuse, and they don't want to do that. They treat it with that old school "This is between him and his wife it's not our buisiness attitude"

        I'm white and I'm not a stranger to police harassment. Those four are dead pigs regardless of where they go, I hope. Not like any of them will be able to safely walk down any street again and eventually somebody's going to get to them in jail. They'll be the biggest target in any prison they wind up in.

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    • Tommythecaty

      The Long Island ripper. I thought James Burke too for a bit, but looking at it he’s far more likely a tool just hiding his seeing prostitutes given his job.

      James Bissett on the other hand...worked with large suppliers of burlap sacks...then suicide two days after the crimes came to light. Way more likely.

      John Bittrolff is a twice convicted killer of prostitutes who lived three miles from some of those bodies. Even more likely.

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      • SmokeEverything

        I don't think Burke himself was actually a serial killer, More likely him and a bunch of his buddies were having wild parties and getting rough with prostitutes. There were a couple working girls who confirmed this.

        Then youve got Christopher Loeb incident, They still haven't released Shannan Gilbert's 911 call (where she allegedly claimed multiple attackers) and it's impossible to deny they were actively interfering with the FBI's involvement in the case.

        Burke's a piece of shit, he probably wasn't acting as a lone wolf serial killer but he was definitely involved somehow and trying to cover his ass, as well as other people he was partying with. Pigs are the largest criminal gang in America. The problem isn't that they killed a black guy in minneapolis, It's that this was a clear murder and the scumbags who are obviously guilty of that aren't in prison. They wouldn't be in prison if they killed a white guy either. But they'll investigate themself and try to get these fine upstanding citizens off and back out on the street where they can kill again. That's why FTP. Stick em all with dirty rigs bury em in dirt and twigs.

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        • Tommythecaty

          Yeah they have had it on the the news a fair bit here in Aus, people rioting and looting. The cop will end up facing manslaughter charges, the public outcry is too large, because if he doesn’t one of the public will likely kill him

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          • SmokeEverything

            He should be killed. It's on video. No trial necessary.

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            • Tommythecaty

              Yeah i saw it yesterday, pretty fucked. And apparently he has a long history of complaints against him and even some suspicious deaths, not sure on the validity of it but it makes you wonder.

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  • Mark92

    This is beyond sad, Officer Derek Chauvin deserves lethal injection!

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    • SmokeEverything

      We need to bring back stoning to death for these pigs.

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      • Nah we don't need to sink to their levels, but at least Chauvian deserves life term imprisonment with some loving inmates, hope he does drop the soap...

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      • raisinbran

        We need to get rid of gun restrictions so we can go back to the 1800s when every citizen was armed.

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        • SmokeEverything

          Absolutely. The entire legal system in this country needs to be dismantled. People defend themselves and put an end to this corrupt system.

          the people who go into law enforcement with good intentions find a culture of bullies and corrupt criminals making excuses for each other's crimes. That's why there are no good cops. Anyone with any decency would leave when they saw what being a pig was really about.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    People need to understand that theres 325 million people in America. Crazy shit happens because of those vast numbers. Also everyone has cameras on them now. It doesn't mean it's as common as its portrayed. Like for example I can guarantee you someone in America will be hit with a turd traveling 60mph at some point this week. When you have 325 million people crazy events happen.

    With that said the knee on the neck officer should be shot or get life. He's a dick. But that alone doesnt prove it was racism. If you dig in his past I'm sure he's abused other whites too.

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  • Clunk42

    Of course it won't stop. You can't stop something that doesn't exist.

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    • Yup blind and ignorant will be blind and ignorant. The world has seen the videos, everyone knows the ugly truth. People like you are a symbol of whats wrong with the US, continue giving the US its bad name.

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  • leggs91200

    Two weeks after Sean Reed was shot in the back by a pig, and in an unrelated incident, a cop ran over and killed a pregnant woman.

    There is a new disease taking over covid 19, it is "swine flu."

    But to bring a bit of joy, even for a little while, there is a feel-good song you should listen to. It is by Body count/Ice T and it is called "Cop Killer".
    The soothing sounds of gunshots are riddled throughout the song.

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    • don't forget 26 year old black nurse Breonna Taylor who was shot dead in her apartment by the pigs earlier this year.

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  • Duskwing

    What a negative thread.

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  • GaelicPotato

    I'd respect your post if you wouldn't have referred to all police as pigs. Get a grip.

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  • I have seen the video footage of the whole thing, absolutely barbaric, heart breaking, imagine such horrible moments being the final minutes of our lives, watch the videos yourself and see the pain the poor man endured as his life was ending, hears a portion of the video:

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    • raisinbran

      Is there video footage showing how he got to that position on the ground?

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