Is it normal thinking of getting weight loss surgery

I have lost well over 100 pounds the old fashioned way but it has taken me a long time. I am need to lose another 75 pounds to be average size.I am a good candidate for lap band surgery but dunno if I should do it. Most of my friends here in CA are skinny.Surgery kind of scares me. My wife thinks I should keep doing what I am doing. I am sick of feeling winded keeping up with her and everyone else even though they are going slow.She looks great everyday and I wanna look great too.

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64% Normal
Based on 11 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    You're still going to have to change your eating habits. They will give you a diet plan afterward. My Aunt got gastric bypass but only kept to the diet for a little while and she is not back to the weight she was before but she is now obese again. Regardless, if your doctor thinks it's an appropriate measure, who am I to argue?

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  • xfg18

    I suggest continuing with the old fashioned approach, since you have already acquired the knowledge and fortitude to follow through with your goals.

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  • Ellenna

    Losing that amount of weight is an amazing achievement so congratulations to you for your commitment and persistence.

    I suggest you keep doing what you're doing if you're scared or surgery, but a chat with a surgeon who specialises in it would be helpful.

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  • Lina_8

    Congrats on the weight loss! Keep at it. You can look into it if you like, know there will be classes and you will be required to lose a certain amount of weight (usually another 10% of your current weight). The process can take a year or more, at which point you are likely going to be able to lose that extra 75 lbs or at least close doing what you are doing now.

    Whatever you decide, good luck and keep at it!

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  • Tempest-au

    Congratulations on your success to date!

    Surgery really is (or should be) a last resort, not to mention Gastric Banding is a hell of a lifestyle change!

    That said, I know two women who went from "house sized" to "petite" over the course of a couple of years as a result of stomach surgery, so if you can't get there through diet and exercise alone...

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  • mysistersshadow

    Then do it?

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  • riffraffy

    Count all your calories
    Only eat within a six hour time frame (intermittent fasting)
    Cut all non-zero calorie drinks
    Cut down on carbs (they make you hungrier)

    You do these things, and the weight will slide off. Don't think of it as a diet, and don't have particular goals in mind. This is a system, and you win every day you follow it.

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  • imaz

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